Table of Contents

Oxfordshire Parish Registers and Bishop's Transcripts

Oxfordshire (pre-1974)


  • Moor Chapel
  • Map square 9C
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Formerly a chapelry of Lewknor (Oxon), but later transferred to Buckinghamshire with Lewknor-up-Hill township, to form part of Cadmore End and transferred to the parish of Great Marlow (Buckinghamshire) in 1885.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1780-1812, M, B
  • PR (CBS) C 1786-1852 (1838-52 as Lewknor up-Hill ) [kept with Cadmore End regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1791-2, 1806-10, 1812 (with Lewknor returns); 1817-1830 (C only); 1851-1853 (as Cadmore End)
  • Mf (1) C 1786-1852 CBS;
    • (2) C 1786-1878, M 1852-1876 LDS;
    • (3) BT 1851-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1786-1878, M 1852-1876
  • See Lewknor regs. for earlier entries and Cadmore End regs. for later entries


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1598-1994, M 1598-1967, B 1598-1994
  • PR (OHC) C 1598-2002, M 1598-2004, Banns 1754-2004, B 1598-1898; (Inc) B 1898+
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1680, 1682, 1721-7, 1729-32, 1734-43, 1745-94, 1796-1822, 1826-50 (1854-6 damaged)
  • TS (1) CMB 1598-1900 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Adderbury Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1598-1780 (revision), 1901-94, M 1897-1967, B 1898-1994 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (3) Index B 1598-1840 Banbury Mus
  • Mf BT 1670-1856 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1670-1856; M 1598-1840
  • MI (1) OCL?, Adderbury Lib, Banbury Lib, #
    • (2) 2000 burial ground at Hornhill Rd., OCL?,#
  • See also Barford St. John, Bodicote and Milton (St. John the Evangelist) regs.

Adderbury, Society of Friends

  • BT (OHC) B 1868-1869
  • Mf BT B 1868-1869 LDS
  • See also Banbury S of F


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 8D
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1539-1969, M 1540-1966, B 1539-1974
  • PR (OHC) CB 1539-1992, M 1540-1966 [gap CB 1589-1636, M 1588-1639]; (Inc) Banns 1755-1809
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1721, 1723, 1725, 1730, 1732-4, 1736-75, 1777-82, 1785-6, 1788-92, 1802-6, 1812-20, 1822-40, 1842-3, 1845, 1847-66
  • TS (1) C 1539-89, 1636-1969, M 1540-89, 1636-43, 1671-1966, B 1539-89, 1636-1974 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1539-1812, M 1539-1753 Bodleian Lib, Guildhall Lib., (Mf of TS) LDS
  • Mf BT 1639, 1721-1866 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1866; M 1539-1753
  • MI 1999 OCL?, #


  • St. Helen
  • Map square 7E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1639-1963, M 1653-1965, B 1653-1980
  • PR (OHC) C 1639-1993, M 1653-1995, Banns 1754-1805, 1823-1994, B 1653-1993
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1721-3, 1725-7, 1729, 1731, 1736, 1744-5, 1747-8, 1757-63, 1765-1866
  • TS C 1639-1963, M 1653-1837, B 1653-1980 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1680, 1721-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1680, 1721-1851
  • MI c. 1991 OCL?, #


  • St Michael
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • United with Shenington, 1900, to become Shenington and Alkerton .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1544-1986, M 1546-1975, B 1544-1986
  • PR (OHC) C 1544-1812, M 1546-1975, Banns 1781 -1803, 1824-1923, B 154-1812; (Inc) CB 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1720-5, 1728, 1731-3, 1735-45, 1747-53, 1759-64, 1766-7, 1769-1873
  • TS (1) C 1544-1986, M 1546-1975, B 1544-1986 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, #, Banbury Lib, Inc;
    • (2) CB 1544 -1812, M 1546-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf BT 1720-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1720-1851; M 1546-1836 (
  • BT 1720-1836)


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1660-1950, M 1663-1950, B 1663-1950
  • PR (OHC) C 1662-1887, M 1663-1996, Banns 1755-1807, B 1663-1975; (Inc) C 1887+, Banns 1917+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, 1730, 1732-3, 1735-1817, 1821-2, 1824, 1828-9, 1831-6, 1838-40, 1851, 1853-68, 1871-2, 1874, 1877
  • TS C 1645-1950, MB 1663-1950 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, LDS, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1663-1812 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1721-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1851
  • MI SMR (OCL?)


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7G
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1611-2001, M 1611-2001, B 1611-2001
  • PR (OHC) C 1611-1997, M 1611-2004, Banns 1759 -1809, 1823-50, 1866-1962, B 1611-1989
  • BT (OHC) 1685-6, 1688-9, 1700-1, 1720-3, 1725-33, 1735-6, 1738, 1740-1, 1744, 1748, 1750-1, 1753-4, 1756-1801, 1803-29, 1834-65
  • TS C 1611-2001, M 1611-2001, B 1611-2001 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1611-1754 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1685-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1611-1754,
  • BT 1753-1852; M 1611-1754


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • with FEWCOTT since 1921
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1700-1851, M 1713-1851, B 1680-1851
  • PR (OHC) C 1758-1812, M 1758-1835, Banns 1758 -1811, B 1758-1812 [There are no earlier regs.]; (Inc) C 1813+ (includes Fewcott C 1908-59), M 1839+, Banns 1909+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1680-1, 1701, 1713, 1720-42, 1744-50, 1752-7, 1759-67, 1784-5, 1797-8, 1806-9, 1813-72
  • TS C 1700-1851, M 1713-1851, B 1680-1851 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CB 1758-1812, M 1758-1835 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1680-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1680-1851, M 1713-1835
  • See also entry under FEWCOTT


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 3G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Shipton under Wychwood until 1763.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1569-1980, M 1570-1977, B 1571-1917
  • PR (OHC) C 1569-1993, M 1570-1993, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1914, B 1571-1917 [gaps C 1655-75, M 1657-1701, 1703-23, 1725-36, 1738-40, 1742-54, B 1657-77]
  • BT (OHC) 1721-31, 1733-74, 1776-1800, 1802-3, 1805-56, 1864-6
  • TS C 1569-1869, M 1570-1977, B 1571-1917 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Wychwood Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1851, M 1721-1835
  • See also Shipton under Wychwood regs.


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 2F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1667-1975, M 1667-1974, B 1667-1975
  • PR (OHC) C 1704-1887, M 1719-1976, Banns 1823-1931, B 1684-1984; (Inc Swinbrook) C 1887+
  • BT (OHC) 1667-70, 1684-5, 1721-2, 1724, 1726, 1728-31, 1736, 1738, 1740, 1743-9, 1751, 1753-87, 1789-92, 1794-1808, 1810-65, 1867-8, 1871, 1873-7
  • TS CB 1667-1975, M 1667-1974 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1684-1819 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1667-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1667-1851, M 1667-1837
  • See also entry under ASTHALLEIGH


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 2F
  • chapel of ease to Asthall St. Nicholas
  • PR (OHC) M 1861-1967
  • See Asthall regs. for all other entries


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1565-2003, M 1565-2003, B 1565-2003
  • PR (OHC) C 1565-1919, M 1565-1958, Banns 1755-1812, 1824-1932, B 1566-1995
  • BT (OHC) 1722-6, 1728-31, 1736, 1738-52, 1754-72, 1774-93, 1796-9, 1804-8, 1810-19, 1821-40, 1847-53
  • TS (1) CM 1565-2003, B 1566-2003 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1565-1850, M 1565-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc
  • Mf BT 1722-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1722-1853, M 1725-1847


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 8D
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • with Kingston Blount
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1554-1977, M 1555-1978, B 1554-1945
  • PR (OHC) C 1554-1977, M 1555-1988, Banns 1823-43, 1904-78, B 1554-1988
  • BT (OHC) 1667-70, 1684-5, 1721-2, 1724,1726, 1728-31, 1736, 1738, 1740, 1743-9, 1751, 1753-87, 1789-92, 1794-1808, 1810-65, 1867-8, 1871, 1873-7
  • TS (1) CB 1554-1840, M 1555-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1977, M 1837-1978, B 1841-1945 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (3) CB 1554-1804, M 1555-1754 Bodleian Lib, Guildhall Lib. (Mf of TS), LDS
  • Mf (1) BT 1639-1871 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) CB 1554-1804, M 1555-1754 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1554-1638, BT 1639-1871; M 1555-1837
  • See also Stokenchurch regs.


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 6D
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB02 C 1559-1891, M 1598-1976, B 1596-1840
  • PR (OHC) C 1559-2012, M 1598-2000, Banns 1754-1815, B 1596-2009 [gap M 1734-52]; (Inc) C 1891+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1662-87, 1689-93, 1697-1737, 1745-6, 1749-50, 1752-64, 1766-74, 1776-1865
  • TS (1) C 1559-1727, M 1598-1723, B 1596-1728 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1662-1840 M 1723-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1662-1702, 1764-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1662-1851


  • St. Laurence
  • Map square 6D
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB02 C 1579-1915, M 1599-1971, B 1624-1840
  • PR (OHC) C 1579-2011, M 1599-2003, Banns 1754-1815, 1823-1961, B 1599-2012 [gap M 1732-53]; (Inc Marsh Baldon) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1662-83, 1687, 1691-3, 1697-1708, 1710-38, 1745-6, 1749-50, 1752-6, 1759-60, 1762, 1764, 1766-7, 1772-3, 1775-87, 1789-1852, 1854-6
  • TS C 1579-1840, M 1599-1836, B 1599-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
  • Mf BT 1662-1856 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1662-1856
  • MI 1998 OCL?, #


  • St. Mary Magdalene
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Wroxton.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1821-1986, M 1821-1939, B 1821-1988
  • PR (OHC) M 1821-1977; (Inc Wroxton) CB 1821+, Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1726-9, 1735, 1743-4, 1749, 1789-99, 1803-5, 1813-21 (with Wroxton returns); 1822-53
  • TS C 1821-1986, M 1821-1939, B 1821-1988 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1813-20, 1822-53 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1853
  • See Wroxton regs. for earlier entries

Balscote Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1951-2009


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1538-1966, M 1538-1972, B 1538-1936
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1966, M 1538-1972, Banns 1754-95, 1823-1957, B 1539-1936
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1682, 1721-30, 1732, 1735, 1737-42, 1744-6, 1748-83, 1785-1806, 1808-79
  • TS (1) CMB 1538-1891 (indexed) OHC*, OCL?, SoG, Bampton Lib, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1890-1966, M 1890-1944, B 1890-1936 (indexed) OHC, SC, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CM 1538-1890, B 1539-1924 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) CMB 1538-1812 OHC;
    • (3) BT 1680-1855 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1538-1868, M 1538-1812, BT 1813-55
  • See also Bampton Aston, Bampton Lew and Shifford regs.


  • St. James
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • United with Shifford, 1845.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1839-1913, M 1858-1979, B 1840-1906
  • PR (OHC) C 1839-1913, M 1858-1979, Banns 1858-1977, B 1840-1906; (Inc) C 1913+, B 1907+
  • BT (OHC) 1843, 1845-6, 1849-62, 1864-5
  • TS C 1839-1913, M 1858-1979, B 1840-1906 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, #
  • Mf BT 1843-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1843-1865
  • MI OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/1-2)
  • See Bampton [Proper] regs. for earlier entries


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1842-1996, M 1860-1969, B 1843-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1842-1996, M 1860-1969, B 1843-1999; (Inc) Banns 1860+
  • BT (OHC) 1842-66, 1868-9, 1872-8
  • TS C 1842-1996, M 1860-1969, B 1843- 1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, #
  • Mf BT 1842-1878 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1842-1875
  • MI OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/1-2)
  • See Bampton [Proper] regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Hugh
  • Map square 5J
  • PR (Inc) C 1956+, M 1970+, Banns 1969+ [No B regs.]
  • See Banbury St. Mary regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Leonard
  • Map square 5J
  • Grimsbury. Formerly a chapel of ease to Banbury, South, Christ Church.
  • PR (OHC) C [c.1890-1930 damaged in fire, 1934, not available]1915-1976, M 1921-2008, Banns 1930-1950, 1964-1992 [No B regs.]
  • See Banbury, South regs. for earlier entries (or Banbury St. Mary regs. before 1853)


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5J
  • part Banbury Hundred, part Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN01 C 1558-1935, M 1558-1931, B 1558-1920
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1963, M 1558-1999, Banns 1843-81, 1913-45, 1960-2002, B 1558-1962
  • BT (OHC) 1606, 1608, 1610, 1614, 1617-18, 1662-71, 1673-4, 1676-1851
  • Ptd C 1558-1838, M 1558-1837 (incl. Banns), B 1558-1838 (indexed) Banbury Hist. Soc. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 16, 18, 22, #
  • TS C 1839-1935, M 1837-1931, B 1839-1920 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1558-1812 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1606-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1558-1851, M 1558-1837
  • MI Ptd Banbury Hist. Soc. 18 (1984) [incomplete]
  • See also Banbury St. Hugh, St. Leonard, St. Paul and South Banbury regs.


  • St. Paul
  • Map square 5J
  • Neithrop, chapel of ease to Banbury St. Mary.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN01 C 1853-1861, M 1900-1938, B —
  • PR (OHC) C 1853-1961 (Inc) [C 1861-1953 recorded in Banbury St. Mary regs.] C 1961+, M 1900+, Banns 1900+ [No B regs.]
  • BT none
  • TS C 1853-1861, M 1900-1938 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • See Banbury St. Mary regs. for earlier entries and for C 1861-1953


  • Christ Church
  • Map square 5J
  • PR (OHC) C 1853-1967, M 1853-1967, Banns 1853-1967 [No B regs.]
  • BT none
  • TS C 1853-1967, M 1853-1967 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • See Banbury St. Mary and Warkworth (Northamptonshire) regs. for earlier entries; see also Banbury St. Mary regs. for entries after 1967

Banbury, Baptist

  • Reg (OHC) M 1958-1971

Banbury, Independent, Church Lane

  • Reg (Congregational) C 1794-1806, not deposited
  • Ptd C 1794-1806 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16
  • TS C 1794-1806 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Banbury Lib, Banbury Museum, #
  • Reg (Lady Huntingdon s Connexion) (TNA) C 1807-1816
  • Ptd C 1807-1812 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16
  • Reg (Congregational) (TNA) ZC 1814-1837; ZC 1814+, not deposited
  • TS C 1813-37, 1847-57 Banbury Hist. Soc.
  • Mf ZC 1807-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1807-1837

Banbury Methodist Circuit, Lower Boddington (Northamptonshire)

  • Reg (OHC) C 1953-1956
  • TS C 1953-1956 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #

Banbury Methodist Circuit, Shotteswell (Warwickshire)

  • Reg (OHC) C 1960-1968
  • TS C 1960-1968 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #

Banbury Methodist Circuit, Sulgrave (Northamptonshire), Wesleyan Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1872-1968
  • TS C 1872-1968 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Northamptonshire RO, Inc, #

Banbury, Presbyterian

  • Reg (Bloxham and Milton) (TNA) ZC 1786-1837
  • Ptd C 1786-1812 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16, #
  • TS (1) C 1786-1837 (indexed) OHC*;
    • (2) C 1786-1815 (indexed MS) SoG;
    • (3) C 1813-1815 Banbury Hist. Soc.
  • Mf ZC 1786-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1786-1837
  • Reg(Great Meeting, Horse Fair) (TNA) ZC 1816-1837
  • TS (1) ZC 1816-37 (indexed), OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #;
    • (2) ZC 1816-1837 (another version) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Banbury Mus;
    • (3) C 1816-1837 OHC*;
    • (4) C 1816-1837 (indexed MS) SoG
  • Mf ZC 1816-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1816-1837

Banbury, Primitive Methodist

  • North Oxon Methodist Circuit
  • Church Lane
  • Reg (OHC) C 1837-1950, M 1924-1941
  • TS (1) C 1822-1873 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1873-1950, M 1924-1941 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #

Banbury, R.C.

  • Warkworth and Overthorpe
  • Reg (BDRO) C 1771-1827
  • Ptd (1) C 1771-1812 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16, #;
    • (2) CB 1813-1832 index only Banbury. Hist. Soc. 22
  • TS (1) C 1771-1832 (indexed) OHC*;
    • (2) CB 1813-1832 (indexed) SoG

Banbury, Society of Friends, Monthly Meeting (includes all North Oxon)

  • Reg(TNA) Z 1632-1837, M 1662-1837, B 1655-1837; (OHC) Z 1632-1868, M 1648-1894, B 1655-1866 [alphabetical digest]
  • Ptd ZB 1660-1837 (Banbury entries only) Banbury Hist. Soc. 9, 16, 18, 22 Index ZMB 1632-1837 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, (MS) FH (M 1660-1837 not printed by Banbury Hist. Soc.), Banbury Lib, #
  • Mf Z 1632-1837, M 1662-1737, B 1795-1837 LDS
  • IGI M 1665-1837
  • See also Berkshire and Oxfordshire Quarterly Meeting

Banbury and Evesham Monthly Meeting

  • Reg (OHC) M 1840-1993

Banbury, Wesleyan Methodist

  • North Oxon Methodist Circuit
  • Church Lane
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1805-1837; (OHC) C 1813- 1956
  • Ptd ZC 1805-1813 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16
  • TS (1) ZC 1798-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #;
    • (2) ZC 1805-1813 (indexed) OHC*;
    • (3) ZC 1813-1837 Banbury Hist. Soc;
    • (4) C 1805-1956 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI ZC 1805-1837

Banbury, Wesleyan Methodist

  • Marlborough Rd.
  • Reg (OHC) C 1883-1972
  • TS (1) C 1883-1905 (indexed to 1972) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1905-1972 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #

Banbury, Wesleyan Methodist

  • Grimsbury
  • West St.
  • Reg (OHC) C 1871-1927, M 1900-1977
  • TS (1) C 1872-1927 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) M 1900-1977 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #

Banbury, Crouch Hall

  • Beer Garden Rd [= Register Office]
  • Reg (OHC) M 1974-1992


  • St. John
  • Map square 5I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Adderbury until 1890, when united with Barford St Michael to become Barford St Michael with Barford St John .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1629-1983, M 1698-1928, B 1699-1988
  • PR (OHC) C 1629-1812, M 1698-1928 B 1695-1762 [see Adderbury B regs., 1762-1839]; (Inc) C 1813+, B 1839+ [Banns with Barford St. Michael, 1837+]
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721, 1723, 1727, 1733, 1737, 1808-66
  • TS C 1629-1983, M 1698-1928, B 1695-1988 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
  • Mf BT 1669-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669, 1721-7, 1733-6, 1808-52, M 1698-1753
  • See also Adderbury regs.


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 4I
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • United with Barford St John in 1890 to become Barford St Michael with Barford St John .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1643-1899, M 1718-1903, B 1678-1988
  • PR [CMB 1648+, missing] (OHC) C 1813-1899, M 1755-1961, Banns 1755-1772; (Inc) C 1899+, Banns 1837+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-31, 1735, 1737-41, 1745, 1747, 1749-54, 1756-7, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765-1852
  • TS C 1648-1899, M 1718, 1721-1903, B 1678-1898, 1932-88 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852, M 1755-1849
  • MI 1978 OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/1-2)

Barford St. Michael, Methodist

  • MI 1978 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 6F
  • Bullingdon Hundred [but hamlet of Studley in Ashendon Hundred, Buckinghamshire, until 1844]
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED03 C 1678-1979, M 1703-1979, B 1678-1976
  • PR (OHC) C 1703-1882, M 1703-1979, Banns 1754-1802, 1810, B 1703-1862; (Inc Elsfield) C 1882+, Banns 1823+, B 1863+
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1721-4, 1726, 1731, 1738, 1743-51, 1757, 1763-77, 1779-85, 1787-90, 1792-7, 1799, 1801-5, 1807-78
  • TS BT CB 1678; (PR) C 1703-1979, M 1703- 1979, B 1703-1976 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1678-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1678-1851, BT M 1721-1836
  • See also Horton cum Studley regs.

Beckley, Methodist (Oxford Circuit)

  • Reg (OHC) C 1955-1958
  • TS C 1955-1958 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, #


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 5F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1671-1991, M 1664-1995, B 1666-1851
  • PR (OHC) C 1671-1991 M 1664-1995, Banns 1755-1940, B 1666-1812; (Inc) B 1814+
  • BT (OHC) n.d., 1721-2, 1729, 1735, 1737-45, 1747-58, 1760-8, 1770-88, 1790-1809, 1813-65
  • TS C 1671-1843, M 1664-1841, B 1666-1851 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Kidlington Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852, BT M 1737-1841

Begbroke, St. Philip’s Priory Church, R.C.

  • Reg (OHC) M 1987-99


  • St. Helen
  • Map square 7C
  • part Ewelme Hundred, part Dorchester Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846; formerly in the archdeaconry of Berkshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL02 C 1565-1956, M 1569-1943, B 1565-1964
  • PR (OHC) C 1565-2007, M 1569-2005, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1970, B565-1964
  • BT (OHC) 1661-3, 1666-87, 1689, 1691-2, 1697-1731, 1734-8, 1740-64, 1766-74, 1777-1816, 1818-24, 1827-34, 1853-75, 1877
  • TS (1) CB 1565-1840, M 1569-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Benson Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1956, M 1837-1943, B 1841-1964 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Benson Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1565-1812 LDS;
    • (2) BT 1661-1858 SoG, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1565-1858, M 1569-1812

BENSON Church of the Ascension, RAF Benson

  • Map square 7C
  • PR (OHC) M 1965-1969

Benson ( Bensington ), Independent

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1835-1836, M —, B —
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1835-1836
  • TS ZC 1835-1836 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA Henley Lib, #.
  • Mf ZC 1835-1836 LDS
  • IGI C 1835-1836


  • St. Mary and St. Berin
  • Map square 6D
  • PR (Inc) C 1961+, M 1962+, Banns 1975+ [No B regs.]
  • See Dorchester regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Helen
  • Map square 7C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Chalgrove.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1609-1978, M 1609-1978, B 1609-1977
  • PR (OHC) C 1609-1978, M 1609-1985, Banns 1860-1988, B 1609-1979
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1669, 1684, 1720, 1722-6, 1731-3, 1747, 1767-70 (1772-4 with Chalgrove returns), 1776-80 (1781 with Chalgrove), 2 n.d., 1783, 1785-6, 1788-90, 1792 (1793 with Chalgrove), 1801, 1803-4, 1808-9 (1810-12 with Chalgrove), 1813-77
  • TS (1) C 1609-1839, M 1609-1841 B 1609-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1839-1978, M 1837- 1978, B 1841-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1639-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1815-1853
  • See also Chalgrove regs.


  • St. Edburgh
  • Map square 6G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1539-1925, M 1539-1902, B 1539-1960
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1963, M 1539-1955, Banns 1754-1819, 1920-73, B 1539-1960
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1683-5, 1699-1700, 1721-33, 1735-42, 1744-1801, 1803-79
  • TS (1) CMB 1539-1812,
  • BT CMB 1813-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, Bicester Lib, LDS, #;
    • (2) C 1813-1925, M 1539-1902, B 1813-1960 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Bicester Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1539-1812 OHC, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1680-1834 SoG, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1539-1834; M 1539-1840
  • MI 1990 OCL?, #, (MS) OHC, Bicester Lib, LDS, #

Bicester, Independent Congregational

  • Water Lane
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1695-1837, M 1695/6, B 1786-1835
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1786-1837, B 1786-1835; (OHC) CMB 1928-77
  • TS (1) C 1695-1745, M 1695 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, Launton Hist. Soc., LDS, #;
    • (2) ZC 1785-1837, B 1786- 1835 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, Launton HS., LDS, #:
    • (3) C 1890-1977, M 1889-1929, B 1894-1976 (MS) Launton HS
  • Mf (1) ZCB 1786-1837 LDS;
    • (2) 1786-1837 SoG
  • IGI C 1786-1837
  • MI 1982 OHC, OCL?, Launton HS, LDS, #

Bicester, Wesleyan

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1820-1836, M —, B —
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1820-1836
  • TS (1) ZC 1820-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, #;
    • (2) ZC 1820-1836 (MS) OHC, OCL?, Launton Hist. Soc.
  • Mf ZC 1820-1836 LDS
  • IGI C 1820-1836


  • St. Margaret
  • Map square 5E
  • Wootton Hundred/Liberty of City of Oxford
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB02 C 1593-1987, M 1591-1979, B 1597-1987
  • PR (OHC) C 1593 -2006, M 1591-1979, Banns 1780-1977, B 1597-2006; (Inc Oxford St Thomas) CB 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1805, 1807-66
  • TS CB 1759-1987, M 1754-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CB 1759-1812, M 1754-1979 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1805-1866 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1759-1805, BT 1805-1866, M 1754-1885
  • MI 1922 (MS) SoG; 1994 OCL?, #


  • St. James
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1577-1897, M 1577-1931, B 1577-1952
  • PR (OHC) C 1577-1897, M 1577-1836, Banns 1754-1821, 1832-37, 1872, 1883-1925, B 1577-1952; (Inc) C 1897+, M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1680, 1685, 1721-30, 1735, 1737-50, 1752, 1755, 1757-93, 1795-1800, 1803-77
  • TS C 1577-1897, M 1577-1931, B 1577-1952 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1577-1897, M 1577-1836, B 1577-1952 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1639-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1852, BT M 1639-1836
  • See also Highmore regs.


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1542-2004, M 1561-2004, B 1542-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1542-1960, M 1542-1996, Banns 1754+, B 1542-1996 [gaps C 1680-5, 1755-69, B 1678-1700, 1755-69]
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1680, 1721, n.d., 1724-30, 1732, 1735-9, 1743-73, 1775-1853, 1856-64, 1874
  • TS (1) C 1543-1840, M 1561-1840, B 1542-1864 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1840-2004, M 1837-2004, B 1813-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1678-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1678-1853, BT M 1678-9, 1721-1837
  • MI SMR (OCL?)
  • See also Carterton regs.


  • St. Martin
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • United with Woodstock, 1877, to become Woodstock with Bladon .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1545-1947, M 1545-1976, B 1545-1978
  • PR (OHC) C 1545-1947, M 1545-2004, Banns 1756-1937, B 1545-1978
  • BT (OHC) 1684, 1721, 1723, 1726-7, 1729, n.d., 1732, 1738-41, 1743-5, 1747-57, 1759-60, 1763-5, 1767-1848, 1850-1, 1853-6
  • TS C 1545-1947, M 1545-1976, B 1545-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Woodstock Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1684-1856 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1684, 1720-1856, BT M 1684, 1721-1854
  • See also Woodstock and Wootton regs.


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 5G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1560-1999, M 1559-1993, B 1559-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1559-1999, M 1559-2003, Banns 1756-1812, 1823-99, 1931-71, B 1559-1999
  • BT (OHC) 1713, 1721-31, 1733, 1736-1739, 1741, 1743-7, 1749-64, 1767-1817, 1819-35, 1846-65
  • TS (1) C 1560-1999, M 1559-1993, B 1559-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, #;
    • (2) CMB 1559-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc
  • Mf BT 1713-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1720-1865, BT M 1713-1835


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 4I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1630-1954, M 1630-1970, B 1630-1940
  • PR (OHC) C 1630-1954, M 1630-2005, Banns 1754-1800, 1823-1937, B 1630-1940
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1721-4, 1726-33, 1735-40, 1742-58, 1760-9, 1771-1811, 1813-71
  • TS (1) C 1630-1954, M 1630-1970, B 1630-1940 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc., #;
    • (2) C 1630-1860, M 1630-1862, B 1630-1862 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc
  • Mf BT 1669-1871 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669-1871; M 1630-1836, BT 1851-6
  • See also Milcombe regs.

Bloxham Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1956-1987

Bloxham Wesleyan

  • Reg (OHC) C 1858-1874

Bloxham and Milton, Presbyterian

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1786-1837, M —, B —
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1786-1837 [includes Banbury entries]
  • Ptd C 1786-1812 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16
  • TS (1) ZC 1786-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #;
    • (2) C 1786-1837 (MS) SoG;
    • (3) C 1786-1837 (indexed) OHC*
  • Mf ZC 1786-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1786-1837


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 5I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Adderbury until 1855.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1563-1988, M 1564-1933, B 1567-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1563-1850, M 1564-1753 [1754-1837 in Adderbury regs.], 1837-1933, B 1567-1865; (Inc) C 1851+, B 1865+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, n.d., 1729-30, 1735-40, 1742-1804, 1806-7, 1809-11, 1813-64
  • TS C 1563-1988, M 1564-1933, B 1567-1982, Cremations, 1966-88 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852; M 1564-1840
  • See also Adderbury regs.


  • All Saints
  • Map square 5J
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Cropredy until 1872; Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1863-1995, M 1872-1995, B 1864-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1863-1973, M 1872-1978, Banns 1864-1953, B 1864-2006
  • BT none
  • TS C 1863-1995, M 1872-1995, B 1864-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1977 (MS) SoG, OHC, OCL?, Banbury Lib, LDS, #
  • See Cropredy regs. for earlier entries

Bradfield Union, St Simon and St Jude Chapel

  • Reg (Berkshire RO) Z 1836-1862, D 1835-1842
  • Ptd ZC/DB 1835-1900 Eureka
  • Mf Z 1836-1862, D 1835-1842 OHC, LDS

Brailes Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1958-1980


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 7C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1546-1981, M 1547-1979, B 1546-1981
  • PR (OHC) C 1546-1922, M 1547-1979, Banns 1754-1817, 1892-1913, 1978-9, B 1546-1812; (Inc) B 1813+, Banns 1825-71
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1696, 1721-4, 1727-33, 1735-6, 1738-43, 1745-51, 1755-76, 1778-88, 1790-2, 1795, 1798-1805, 1807-71
  • TS CB 1546-1981, M 1547-1979 (indexed to 1842) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1639-1812 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1812; M 1547-1709
  • MI OHC, OCL?, SoG, LDS, #


  • Map square 7C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Newington (nr. Wallingford) until 1867, when it was transferred to Britwell Salome; Peculiar of Monks Risborough (Buckinghamshire) until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1574-1982, M 1575-1977, B 1574-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1813-1847, [M 1813-1837] (blank register), B 1814-1844, 1919 [N.B. There are no other separate regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1604, 1632-9, 1812
  • TS C 1813-47, B 1814-44, 1919 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, # [included with
  • TS of Britwell Salome]
  • Mf BT 1604, 1632-9, 1812 SoG, LDS
  • See Newington regs. for all other entries or Britwell Salome regs. after 1867

Britwell Prior, R.C.

  • Ptd C 1765-1788, M 1766-1787, D 1731-1768 Catholic Rec. Soc. 13
  • IGI C 1765-1788, M 1766-1787


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 8C
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1574-1982, M 1575-1977, B 1574-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1574-1987, M 1575-1977, Banns 1755-1812, 1823-1939, B 1575-1987
  • BT (OHC) 1696, 1721-4, 1726, 1730-3, 1735-6, 1738, 1741-53, 1755-68, 1770-2, 1775-83, 1785-9, 1792-1801, 1804-62, 1864-8
  • TS CB 1574-1982, M 1575-1977 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1696-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1696-1852


  • St. Brice or Britius
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1538-1997, M 1538-1987, B 1568-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1548-1997, M 1569-1987, Banns 1812-14, B 1568-1993; (Inc) Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1721-4, 1726-9, 1735, 1738, 1746-8, 1751-2, 1757, 1759-83, 1785-1877
  • TS (1) C 1548-1837, M 1569-1837, B 1568-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Carterton Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1838-1997, M 1837-1987, B 1838-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1548-1896, M 1569-1837, B 1568-1877 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1682-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1548-1758, BT 1759-1875; M 1569-1837
  • MI OCL?, Witney Lib, LDS, #
  • See also Carterton regs.


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1615-1999, M 1620-1999, B 1618-1998
  • PR (Inc) C 1615+, M 1620+, Banns 1760-72, 1852+, B 1619+
  • BT (OHC) 1721, 1724-7, 1729-30, 1732, 1736-7, 1740-54, n.d., 1756, 1758-69, 1771-99, 1800-12, 1845, 1848-60 (returns include some entries for Broughton Poggs and the chapelries of Holwell and Kelmscott)
  • TS (1) C 1615-1847, M 1620-1837, B 1619-1917 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1847-1999, M 1837-1999, B 1920-99 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1615-1847, M 1620-1837, B 1619-1917 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852
  • See also Kelmscott, Filkins and Holwell regs.


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1683-1991, M 1688-2001, B 1683-2003
  • PR (OHC) C 1683-1991, M 1688-2001, Banns 1698-1702, 1818-2003, B 1683-2003
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1722-3, 1727, 1735-8, 1740-1, 1745-6, 1748-9, 1754-7, 1759-66, 1769-76, 1778-85, 1787-94, 1796, 1798-1803, 1806-50, 1854-98, 1900-4
  • TS (1) 1683-1991, M 1688-2001, B 1683-2003 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1683-1893, M 1688-1862, B 1683-1881 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc
  • Mf (1) CB 1683-1797, M 1688-1754 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1680-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1680-1850; M 1680-1840

Broughton Union, Baptist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1864-1876


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 1E
  • part Bampton Hundred, part [Gt. Lemhill] Brightwells Barrow Hundred, Gloucestershire
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1556-1979, M 1558-1986, B 1557-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1556-1710, M 1558-1706, B 1556-1700; (Inc) CMB 1743+, Banns 1755-1812, 1825+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-32, 1735-7, 1739-56, 1758-9, 1761-96, 1798-1810, 1813-60, 1864-8 (1813-68 with Filkins)
  • TS (1) C 1556-1849, M 1558-1836, B 1556-1855 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1850-1980, M 1838-1986, B 1855-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1556-1812 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852
  • See also Filkins regs.


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1653-1917, M 1654-1978, B 1653-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1917, M 1654-1978, Banns 1824-1959, B 1653-1979
  • BT (OHC) 1700-1, 1721-6, 1728-32, 1735-7, 1740-6, 1748-52, 1755-67, 1769-1803, 1805-13, 1827-71, 1874-7
  • TS (1) C 1653-1917, M 1654-1978, B 1653-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1653-1810, M 1654-1812, B 1653-1813 LDS
  • Mf (1) C 1653-1917, M 1654-1837, B 1653-1812 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1700-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1653-1812,
  • BT 1813-52; M 1654-1840


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 2F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1612-1944, M 1613-1933, B 1612-1937
  • PR (OHC)C 1612-1944, M 1613-1933, Banns 1754-1759, 1900-70, B 1612-1937
  • BT (OHC) 1684, 1721-33, 1736-58, 1760-1828, 1830-60
  • TS (1) CMB 1612-1715 (indexed) OHC*, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Burford Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1712-1858, M1715-1888, B 1715-1937 (indexed) OHC*, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Burford Lib, Inc, #;
    • (3) C 1858-1944, M 1888-1933 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Burford Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1612-1944, M 1613-1933, B 1612-1937 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1684-1860 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1684-1860; M 1613-1840
  • See also Fulbrook regs.

Burford, Baptist, Witney Street

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1809-1835, M —, B 1815-1836
  • Reg (TNA) Z 1809-1835, B 1831-1837
  • TS Z 1809-1835, B 1815-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, #
  • Mf Z 1809-1835, B 1831-1837 LDS
  • IGI Z 1809-1835

CADMORE END (with Lewknor-up-Hill) St. Mary le More

  • Map square 9C
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Wycombe Poor Law Union
  • - now Buckinghamshire.
  • PR (CBS) [C 1786-1837 = Ackhampstead chapel reg.; C 1838-1852 = Lewknor-up-Hill reg.] C 1852-1912, M 1852-1971, Banns 1890-1949, B 1852-1972
  • BT (OHC) 1851-1853
  • Mf (1) C 1786-1912, M 1852-1971, B 1852-1972 CBS;
    • (2) C 1786-1878, M 1852-76 LDS;
    • (3) BT 1851-53 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1786-1878, M 1852-1876
  • See Fingest (Buckinghamshire), Lewknor or Stokenchurch (now Buckinghamshire) regs. for earlier entries


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 2E
  • PR (Inc) C 1960+, M 1964+, Banns 1955+ [No B regs]
  • See Black Bourton and Brize Norton regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1631-1939, M 1603-1939, B 1624-1905
  • PR (OHC) C 1652-1966, M 1673-1947 [1754-79 missing], Banns 1779-1898, B 1673-1905; (Inc) C 1868+, Banns 1898+, B 1905+
  • BT (OHC)1721-6,1728-32,1744-7, 1753-75, 1778-84,1787,1790-5, 1798-1865
  • TS C 1631-1939, M 1603-1939, B 1624-1905 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852; M 1673-1837
  • MI (1) 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD #;
    • (2) 2002 OCL? Heritage CD
  • See also Christ Church, Oxford M 1708-1754


  • St. Lawrence
  • Map square 6H
  • Buckingham Hundred, later [1832] Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • formerly Buckinghamshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1606-1976, M 1606-1975, B 1606-1974
  • PR (OHC) C 1641-1976, M 1650-1975, Banns 1823-65, 1906-61, B 1652-1974
  • BT (CBS) 1606, 1609-11, 1613-14, 1807-8, 1813-20, 1823-41, 1843-6; (OHC) 1845-1865
  • TS (1) BT CMB 1606-1614; PR C 1641-1976, M 1650-1975, B 1652-1974 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, CBS, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1641-1764, M 1650-1753, B 1652-1762 (indexed) LDS
  • Mf (1) CB 1764-1811, M 1755-1836 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1807-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1865; M 1755-1840 [in Buckinghamshire index]


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 8A
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • now Berkshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1597-1948, M 1597-1958, B 1597-1955
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1597-1948, M 1597-1958, Banns 1754-1829, B 1597-1950
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1670, 1680, 1690, 1699, 1721-33, 1735-1882
  • TS (1) C 1597-1849, M 1597-1837, B 1597-1869 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, Bodleian Lib, Caversham Lib, RCL, Henley Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1849-1948 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc,#;
    • (3) M 1838-1958, B 1869-1955 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1597-1948, M 1597-1958, B 1597- 1950 BRO;
    • (2) BT 1639-1859 SoG, LDS;
    • (3) C 1882-1902, M 1917-29 LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1859, M 1639-1836
  • See also Kidmore End regs.

Caversham, Hemdean Rd. Cemetery

  • Reg (Reading Cemeteries Office) B 1885+
  • MI BRO, OCL? (BFHS #)

Caversham, Henley Rd. Cemetery

  • Reg (Reading Cemeteries Office) B 1927+


  • St. Andrew
  • Berkshire
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C —, M 1913-1959, B —
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1911-89, M 1913-1959, Banns 1913-1988; (Inc St Peter) Interments 1964+
  • TS M 1913-1959 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf M 1913-1959 BRO, LDS
  • See Caversham St. Peter (now Berkshire) regs. for earlier entries


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Berkshire
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1888-1949, M 1908-1958, B —
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1888-1949, M 1906-1958, Banns 1908-1933 [No B regs.]
  • Mf C 1888-1949, M 1908-1958 BRO
  • TS C 1888-1949, M 1908-1958 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • See Caversham St. Peter (now Berkshire) regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 3G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chip Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Charlbury until 1963.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1565-1967, M 1566-1958, B 1565-1880
  • PR (OHC) C 1565-1967, M 1566-2000, Banns 1754-1814, 1824-1941, B 1565-1880; (Inc) B 1880+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-7, 1729-32, 1734-41, 1743-94, 1796-8, 1801-8, 1810-49, 1851
  • TS C 1565-1967, M 1566-1958, B 1565-1880 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, LDS, #
  • Mf BT 1669-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669-1851
  • See also Charlbury regs.

Chadlington, Baptist

  • MI 1977 OHC, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7D
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1538-1851, M 1531-1838, B 1538-1851
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1973, M 1531-2010, Banns 1868-1992, B 1538-1873 [gap CB 1690-1701, M 1697-1701]; (Inc) B 1873+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1670, 1684, 1721-7, 1729-31, 1733, 1735-6, 1738, 1740-1, 1743-7, 1752, 1754, 1756, 1767-82, 1788-94, 1801, 1803-4, 1808-74 (1772-4, 1781-2, 1793-4, 1810-11 returns include entries for the chapelry of Berrick Salome)
  • TS CB 1538-1851, M 1531-1838 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1639-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1853
  • See also Berrick Salome regs.


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 3G
  • part Banbury Hundred, part Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1559-1996, M 1559-2001, B 1559-2000
  • PR (OHC) C 1559-1996, M 1559-2009, Banns 1754-1962, 1971-1991, B 1559-1978
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1680, 1684, 1720-6, 1728-36, 1738-1806, 1808, 1810-24, 1826-8, 1830, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1563-1996, M 1559-2001, B 1559-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, # ;
    • (2) CB 1559-1660, M 1559-1642 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Charlbury Lib, Inc;
    • (3) CB 1660-1900, M 1660-1890 (
  • BT M 1779-96) (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Charlbury Lib, Inc;
    • (4) M 1779-1796, Banns1779-1890 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Charlbury Lib, Inc
  • Mf BT 1669-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669-1851; M 1559-1764
  • See also Chadlington, Shorthampton and Finstock regs.

Charlbury, Society of Friends

  • BT (OHC) B 1867, 1869-73, 1875-8, 1881-6
  • Mf BT B 1867-1886 SoG, LDS
  • MI 1986 OHC, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 6F
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1572-2006, M 1568-2001, B 1562-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1572-1907, M 1568-2001, Banns 1754-1811, 1824-2005, B 1562-1875, 1907-2005
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721-3, 1735-7, 1739-48, 1752-1890
  • TS C 1572-1852, M 1568-1837, B 1562-1875 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, LDS, #; further TS in progress
  • Mf BT 1700-1854 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1700-1854

Charlton on Otmoor, Baptist

  • MI 1977 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1586-1998, M 1573-1998, B 1572-2000
  • PR (OHC) C 1586-2008, M 1573-2012, Banns 1690-1710, 1782-1811; 1824-2009, B 1572-2009; (Inc Little Compton) CB 1813+, Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1721, 1723-64, 1766-84, 1801-2, 1804-58, 1860-74
  • TS (1) C 1586-1998, M 1573-1998, B 1572-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1586-1837, M 1573-1837, B 1572-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib;
    • (3) CB 1813-1985, M 1837-1976 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf BT 1682-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1682-1852


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Bradfield Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1639-1955, M 1639-1979, B 1639-1971
  • PR (OHC) C 1719-2000, M 1720-2013, Banns 1756-1810, 1824-1913, B 1719-2002 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1722-4, 1729, 1737-41, 1743-7, 1749-1810, 1812-13, 1819-21, 1823-5, 1827-71
  • TS BT CMB 1639; PR C 1719-1956, M 1720-1979, B 1719-1971 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) BT 1639-1860 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) C 1719- 1955, M 1720-1837, B 1719-1812 LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1860
  • MI 1911 SoG


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 6G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1538-2002, M 1537-2001, B 1540-2001
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1976, M 1538-2005, Banns 1755-1974, B 1540-1929 [earliest register is defective]
  • BT (OHC) 1684, 1700, 1718-9, 1721-2, 1725, 1727-30, 1738-55, 1758-93, 1795-1871
  • TS (1) C 1538-2002, M 1537-2001, B 1540-2001 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc,#;
    • (2) CB 1539-1840, M 1538-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, LDS
  • MI 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1684-1855 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1684-1855; M 1538-1837


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 9D
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame/Wycombe Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1581-1978, M 1622-1973, B 1622-1973
  • PR (OHC) C 1581-1997, M 1622-2000, Banns 1754-1885, B 1622-1940 [gap C 1610-1620]
  • BT (OHC) 1716-7, 1720-33, 1735-71, 1773- 1860, 1862-71
  • TS (1) C 1581-1978, M 1622-1973, B 1622-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Chinnor Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1581-1609, CB 1622-1812, M 1622-1754 Bodleian Lib, Guildhall Lib., (Mf of TS) LDS;
    • (3) M 1622-1812 CBS
  • Mf BT 1836-1855 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1836-1855; M 1622-1812

Chinnor, Independent

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1804-1837, M —, B 1815
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1797-1837, B 1815
  • TS ZC 1797-1837, B 1815 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1797-1837, B 1815 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1797-1837

Chinnor, Primitive Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1857-1909
  • TS C 1857-1909 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, CBS


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 3H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1563-1995, M 1560-2004, B 1564-1988
  • PR (OHC) C 1563-2004, M 1560-2010, Banns 1754-1784, 1968-2011 B 1564-1989
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1680, 1721-33, 1735-86, 1788-1803, 1805-56
  • Ptd M 1560-1837 Phillimore Oxon 1
  • TS (1) C 1563-1962, M 1560-1990, B 1564- 1971 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1563-1883, M 1560-1898, B 1564-1876 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Chipping Norton Lib
  • Mf BT 1669-1856 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1563-1686, BT 1669-1856; M 1560-1837
  • MI c.1890 SMR (OCL?)

Chipping Norton, Baptist, New Street

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1767-1831, M 1929-2007, B
  • Reg (TNA) Z 1767-1831
  • TS (1) Z 1767-1831 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, # [2 versions];
    • (2) B 1780-1940 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?
  • Mf Z 1767-1831 OHC, LDS
  • IGI Z 1767-1831
  • MI TS in progress

Chipping Norton and Stow Methodist Circuit

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1868-1926, M —, B —
  • Ptd C 1863-1930 Eureka Chipping Norton, Methodist
  • Reg (OHC) C 1837-1965, B 1837-1852
  • MI 1978 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, # Stow Mission, Methodist
  • Reg (OHC) C 1868-1923
  • TS C 1868-1923 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Gloucestershire RO, Banbury Lib, #

Chipping Norton, Primitive Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1862-1930 Chipping Norton, R.C. (Holy Trinity)
  • MI 2004 OCL?, Inc, CD/#

Chipping Norton, Society of Friends

  • BT (OHC) B 1869, 1871, 1876, 1878-9, 1882, 1885
  • Mf BT 1869-1885 SoG, LDS

Chipping Norton, Wesleyan

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1814-1837, M —, B —
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1790-1837
  • TS ZC 1790-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1814-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1814-1837
  • See also entry under Hook Norton, Methodist

Chipping Norton Registration District

  • Ptd M notices 1840-1956 Eureka


  • St. Katherine
  • Map square 6D
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Dorchester until 1763; united with Stadhampton until 1762, and after 1841, but retaining own registers; Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB03 C 1763-1975, M 1837-1976, B
  • PR (OHC) C 1567-1975, M 1569-1976, Banns 1763-1806, 1824-1921, 1959-76, B 1571-1819 [gaps CMB 1618-27, M 1662-79, 1681-1700, 1702-27]; (Inc) B 1814+
  • BT (OHC) 1663, 1665-74, 1677, 1679, 1684-7, 1690, 1692, 1700-1, 1715, 1769-70, 1774-7, 1779, 1781-94, 1797-1814, 1820-1, 1831, 1833
  • TS C 1567-1840, M 1569-1837, B 1571- 1840 [with Stadhampton] (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) BT 1769-1833 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) BT C 1662-1833 LDS
  • IGI BT C 1662-1833; M 1569-1762
  • See also Stadhampton and Dorchester regs.


  • Holy Nativity
  • Map square 8C
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • District church to Watlington (St. Leonard); liberty in the parish of Watlington.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1891-1956, M —, B 1891-1966
  • PR (OHC) C 1891-1956, B 1891-1966 [kept with Watlington regs.]
  • See Watlington regs. for marriages and all earlier entries


  • All Saints
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • United with Sarsden, 1851, to become Sarsden with Churchill
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1630-1994, M 1631-1978, B 1631-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1630-1904, M 1631-2008, Banns 1755-1813, 1823-65, B 1631-1993 [gap M 1673-94]; (Inc) C 1904+, Banns 1867+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1719, 1721-6, 1731-2, 1734, 1736-66, 1768-1802, 1805-13, 1842-51, 1854, 1872, (1731-2, 1738, 1749, 1761, 1801 with Sarsden returns)
  • TS (1) C 1630-1904, M 1631-1978, B 1631-1878 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1904-1994, B 1878-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CB 1630-1765, M 1631-1753 OHC*;
    • (2) CB 1630-1904, M 1631-1837 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1630-1875, M 1631-1837
  • MI (1) 1987 OHC;
    • (2) 1998 SoG, OCL?, #
  • See also Sarsden regs.

Churchill Hospital, Headington

  • Reg (OHC) C 1948-1954 [kept with Headington Quarry records]


  • St. Stephen
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1633-1995, M 1633-1979, B 1633-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1633-1995, M 1633-1979, Banns 1782-1813, 1824-1947, B 1633-1992 [earliest register damaged and defective]
  • BT (OHC) 1721-9, 1737, 1740-6, 1748-1864, 1871
  • TS (1) C 1633-1839, M 1633-1837, B 1633-1880 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1813-1995, M 1837-1979, B 1880-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1852, M 1813-1836
  • MI 1998 OCL?, #


  • St. James the Great
  • Map square 5K
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Cropredy until 1851, when united with Mollington to become Claydon with Mollington ; Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1569-1999, M 1569-1999, B 1569-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1569-2012, M 1569-1990, Banns 1759-1799,1823-1978, B 1569-1979 [gaps C 1691-4, M 1605-31, 1647-60, 1670-85, 1690-1727]; (Inc) C 1885+
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1607-17, 1663-70, 1674, 1677-94, 1696-7, 1699-1700, 1705-11, 1714, 1717-34, 1736-90, 1792-1819, 1822-4, 1828-39, 1843-9, 1851
  • TS (1) CMB 1569-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1569-1981, M 1569-1982, B 1569-1849 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1605-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1851; M 1569-1837
  • See also Cropredy regs.

Claydon Methodist (Banbury Methodist Circuit)

  • Reg (OHC) C 1951-1968
  • TS C 1951-1968 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #


  • St. Michael and All Angels
  • Map square 6D
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Dorchester until c. 1810; Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB01 C 1576-1992, M 1578-1982, B 1579-1961
  • PR (OHC) C 1578-1992, M 1578-1982, Banns 1755-96, 1830-32, B 1579-1961 [gaps CB 1689-1715, M 1697-1715]; (Inc) Banns 1863+
  • BT (OHC) 1621, 1662-3, 1665-73, 1675-80, 1682-7, 1689-92, 1702-38, 1742-3, 1746-1830, 1834-74
  • TS (1) C 1576-1992, M 1578-1982, B 1579- 1961 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1576-1840, M 1578-1837, B 1579-1840 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Abingdon Lib, Inc
  • Mf BT 1621, 1662-1764, 1813-1866 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1787-1866, M 1787-1847
  • See also Dorchester regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 3F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT01 C 1653-1995, M 1653-1973, B 1654-1973
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1995, M 1655-2010, Banns 1754-1804, 1824-1988, B 1653-1943
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729, 1736, 1740-2, 1744-6, 1748, 1750, 1752-4, 1756-69, 1771-1806, 1808-9, 1811-65
  • TS CMB 1653-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CMB 1653-1812 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852; M 1655-1755
  • MI (1) 2005 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2003-5 OCL? Heritage CD


  • St. Laurence
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1646-1932, M 1654-1937, B 1653-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1646-1705, M 1654-1705, B 1653-1705 [CMB 1705-1812, destroyed by fire, 1918], C 1813-1932, M 1813-1837, Banns 1872-1915, B 1813-1874; (Inc) M 1838+, B 1875+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-7, 1729-32, 1735-68, 1771, 1773-84, 1791-2, 1801-16, 1819-20, 1830-44, 1851-74
  • TS C 1646-1932, M 1654-1935, B 1653-1992 (2 vols; indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) BT 1669-1851 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) CB 1646-1692, M 1654-92 (=Bodleian Lib MS) SoG, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1646-1851; M 1654-1692
  • MI (1) OCL?, Witney Lib, #;
    • (2) 2000 OCL?


  • St. Denys
  • Map square 2H
  • Deerhurst Hundred, Gloucestershire/Chadlington Hundred, Oxon
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • situated in Warwickshire, formerly in Gloucestershire, but in the archdeaconry of Oxford since 1919.
  • PR (OHC) C 1588-2008, M 1589-1984 1986-1998, Banns 1786, 1824-2006, B 1588-2007 [CB 1588-1762, M 1589-1753 very deficient; gap M 1656-1733]; (Inc) C 1887+, B 1813+
  • BT (Gloucestershire RO) 1605-7, 1609, 1612, 1618, 1620-6, 1628-9, 1638, 1660, 1662-4, 1666, 1668-9, 1671, 1673, 1676-7, 1679-83, 1685(?), 1686, 1688, 1692-8, 1700-21, 1732-1803, 1805-83, 1885
  • TS (1) C 1588-1999, M 1589-2000, B 1588-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Warwickshire RO, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1588-1985, M 1589-1984, B 1589-1984 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Gloucestershire RO
  • Mf BT 1605-38, 1660-1812 LDS [in catal. under Warwickshire]
  • IGI BT C 1605-1812 [in Gloucestershire index]


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1662-1982, M 1662-1980, B 1664-1983
  • PR (OHC) C 1662-2008, M 1662-1973 1979-2006, Banns 1824-2007, B 1664-1808 [CB 1808-12 destroyed] B 1813-2008; (Inc Little Compton) CB 1813+, Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1723, 1731, 1740-6, 1748-50, 1752-3, 1755-8, 1761-2 (1762 with Sarsden returns), 1765-6, 1771, 1777, 1791-2, 1795-8, 1801, 1805, 1807-8, 1810-65, 1869-74
  • TS C 1662-1982, M 1662-1980, B 1664-1983 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1669-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669-1853, M 1669-1838
  • MI 2005 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #

Cote, Baptist

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1647-1836, M 1775-1839, B 1657-1839
  • Reg (TNA) Z 1647-1836, B 1657-1837
  • TS Z 1647-1836, M 1775, 1839, B 1657-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf ZB 1647-1837 LDS
  • IGI Z 1647-1836


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 6I
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1610-1997, M 1651-1996, B 1611-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1610-1942, M 1651-1978, Banns 1754-1812, 1826-1978, B 1611-1991; (Inc) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1681-2, 1685, 1700, 1721-7, 1729-33, 1736-66, 1768-74, 177(?6)-83, 1785-97, 1799-1800, 1803-15, 1830-65
  • TS (1) C 1610-1997, M 1651-1996, B 1611-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1610-1942, M 1651-1977, B 1611-1977 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • Mf BT 1678-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1678-1852, M 1678-1836


  • St. Alban
  • PR (OHC) C 1912-1975, M 1948-1970, Banns 1947-1979 [No B regs.]
  • TS in progress


  • St. Francis
  • PR (OHC) C 1931-1965, M 1955-1978, Banns 1955-1998 [No B regs]


  • St. James
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union/Oxford Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1678-1892, M 1696-1881, B 1696-1904
  • PR (OHC) C 1678-1948, 1948-1964[includes entries for St Francis and St Luke], 1964-2006, M 1696-1996, Banns 1957-75, B 1696-2006
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, 1727, 1737, 1739-66, 1768-9, 1771-84, 1787-1814, 1817-74
  • TS C 1678-1892, M 1696-1881, B 1696-1904 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Cowley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1854, M 1721-1836
  • MI OCL?, #
  • See also Christ Church, Oxford, M c. 1700-54


  • St. Luke
  • Map square 6E
  • PR (OHC) C 1939-1992, M 1939-1993, Banns 1965-1981, Interments/Funeral Services 1981-1990


  • St. Mary & St. John (Oxford)
  • Map square 6E
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1870-1902, M 1883-1912, B 1878-1929
  • PR (OHC) C 1870-1959, M 1883-1987, Banns 1934-43, 1949-79, B 1878-1945; index M 1883-1976, B 1878-1994
  • BT none
  • TS (1) C 1870-1902 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Cowley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) M 1883-1912, B 1878-1929 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Cowley Lib, Inc, #
  • See Cowley (St. James), Iffley and Oxford St. Clement regs. for earlier entries
  • MI (1) 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2003 OCL? Heritage CD

Cowley, Congregational

  • Reg (OHC) C 1883-1945, M 1878-1938, B 1897-1926


  • St Peter
  • Map square 3F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • chapelry of Witney until 1854, when united with Hailey to become Hailey with Crawley -see under HAILEY with CRAWLEY.


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 5K
  • part Banbury Hundred, part Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1538-1995, M 1539-1995, B 1538-1989
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-2012, M 1538-1990, Banns 1843-1922, 1926, 1928, B 1538-2012
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1607-14, 1616-17, 1660-70, 1676-1813, 1815-7, 1822-53, 1855-9
  • TS (1) C 1538-1995, M 1539-1995, B 1538-1989 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1538-1861, M 1538-1976, B 1538-1904 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf BT 1664-1812 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1812-1813, M 1538-1837
  • MI (1) 1977 (MS) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, LDS, #;
    • (2) Cemetery, Oxhey Rd. 1977 OCL?
  • See also Claydon, Mollington, Wardington and Great Bourton regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 9D
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1594-1978, M 1602-1979, B 1602-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1594-1978, M 1602-1979, Banns 1760-1812, 1824-1976, B 1602-1979
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1670, 1721-5, 1727-8, 1730, 1738-9, 1741-6, 1748, 1750, 1755-60, 1762-3, 1766-83, 1785-94, 1797, 1801, 1804, 1806, 1808-54, 1856-63, 1866-71
  • Ptd M 1602-1836 Phillimore Oxon 1
  • TS (1) C 1594-1978, M 1602-1970, B 1602- 1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) Index CMB 1594-1903 (MS) SoG;
    • (3) Index CMB 1594-1916 (MS) Bodleian Lib;
    • (4) C 1594-1782, M 1602-1765, B 1602-1782 Bodleian Lib, (Mf of TS) LDS;
    • (5) C 1594-1782 Guildhall Lib
  • Mf BT 1639-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1852; M 1602-1837


  • St. Mary Magdalene
  • Map square 7C
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • In archdeaconry of Berkshire. United with Newnham Murren, 1907, to become Crowmarsh Gifford with Newnham Murren .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL02 C 1575-1900, M 1575-1900, B 1575-1900
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1575-1919, M 1575-98, 1694-1985, Banns 1823-1984, B 1575-1992 [C 1686-1737 destroyed, and M 1754-1812 damaged as result of a fire, 1819]
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1690-1, 1721-33, 1735-56, 1758-66, 1768-88, 1790-1852
  • TS (1) CMB 1575-1900 (indexed) OHC, BRO, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1575-1685, 1737-1840, M 1583-1682, 1694-1836, B 1575-1840 (indexed MS) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf (1) C 1575-1919, M 1575-1985, B 1575-1992 BRO, LDS;
    • (2) C 1575-1919, M 1583-1836, B 1575-1830 OHC;
    • (3) CB 1575-1840, M 1583-1836 (indexed MS as above) BRO;
    • (4) BT 1639-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1575-1861; M 1583-1836
  • MI (1) 1911 SoG;
    • (2) 1999/2005 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #


  • All Saints
  • Map square 7E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1541-1929, M 1542-1919, B 1541-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1541-1979, M 1542-1972, Banns 1754-1840, 1850-7, 1878-1960, B 1541-1979 [gaps C 1654-1719, MB 1654-94, 1700-20]
  • BT (OHC) 1724, 1726-7, 1729, 1737, 1739-93, 1795-1804, 1806-29, 1851 (1798-9, 1802-4, 1807-12 returns include Wheatley entries)
  • TS (1) CB 1541-1837, M 1542-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1838-1929, M 1837-1919, B 1838-1979 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) BT 1724-1829 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) CB 1541-1812, M 1542-1836 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1541-1829, M 1542-1829
  • MI 2001 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See also Wheatley regs.


  • St. Paul
  • Map square 5D
  • part Dorchester Hundred, Oxon, part Ock Hundred, Berkshire
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB01 C 1648-1987, M 1666-1986, B 1662-1986
  • PR [CMB 1648+, missing] (OHC) C 1747-1882, M 1750-1841, Banns 1824-1935, B 1747-1812 [B 1813-1917 missing]; (Inc) C 1882+, M 1837+, Banns 1935+, B 1918+
  • BT (OHC) 1721, 1723-7, 1729-31, 1737-44, 1746-59, 1761-5, 1767-8, 1770, 1773, 1775-93, 1795-1869
  • TS (1) C 1648-1987, M 1666-1986, B 1662-1986 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Abingdon Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) Index CMB 1648-1917 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • Mf (1) C 1747-1882, M 1750-1841, B 1747-1812 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI PR/BT C 1721-1875; M 1666-1840


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 3F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Formerly a chapel of ease to Witney St. Mary.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT01 C 1847-1991, M —, B 1847-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1847-1991, B 1847-1992; (Inc Witney St Mary) M 1964+
  • BT none - see Witney returns
  • TS C 1847-1991, B 1847-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See Witney (St. Mary) regs. for earlier entries


  • Holy Rood
  • Map square 7D
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • United with Easington, 1853, to become Cuxham with Easington .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1578-1982, M 1579-1979, B 1580-1981
  • PR (OHC) C 1578-1812, M 1579-1840, Banns 1754-1822, B 1580-1812; (Inc) CB 1813+, M 1837+, Banns 1823+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1682, 1685, 1721, 1723, 1725-7, 1729, 1731-5, 1739-40, 1742-86, 1789-97, 1799-1865
  • TS C 1578-1982, M 1579-1979, B 1580- 1981 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1639-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1639-1864


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 2H
  • Oswaldslow Hundred, Worcestershire /Slaughter Hundred, Gloucestershire
  • Stow on the Wold Poor Law Union
  • Situated in Gloucestershire, formerly in Worcestershire, but in Oxford archdeaconry since 1919.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1660-2001, M 1624-1998, B 1660-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1679-2001, M 1684-1998, Banns 1755-1820, B 1680-1992; (Inc) Banns 1824+
  • BT (Worcestershire RO) 1624, 1660-1, 1664, 1666, 1670-5, 1677-8, 1681-4, 1686, 1688-1701, 1703-20, 1722-38, 1740-50, 1752, 1754-77, 1800, 1803-6, 1808-19, 1821-39
  • TS C 1660-1968, M 1624, 1660-1959, B 1660-1971 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, Worcestershire RO, Banbury Lib, Inc
  • Mf BT 1624-1700, CB 1876-87 Worcestershire RO, LDS [in Worcestershire catal.]
  • IGI BT C 1661-1700 [in Worcestershire index]


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 5I
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1631-1902, M 1631-1902, B 1631-2003
  • PR (OHC) C 1631-1971, M 1631-2005, Banns 1754-1803, 1823-1929, 1931-1994, B 1631-1993 [gap M 1785-87; M 1787-94 mutilated]; (Inc) B 1884+
  • BT (OHC) 1669-71, 1680, 1682, 1721-7, 1729-30, 1735, 1737-87, 1789-1821, 1823-5, 1828-47, 1851, 1864-5
  • TS C 1631-1902, M 1631-1902, B 1631-1883 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Deddington Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) CB 1631-1794, M 1631-1754 OHC;
    • (2) BT 1669-1858 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1669-1851, M 1669-1837
  • See also entry under HEMPTON


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 6D
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL02 C 1638-1961, M 1639-1955, B 1638-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1638-1919, M 1639-1837, Banns 1754-1810, 1823-1965, B 1638-78, 1719-1896 [N.B. B 1678-1718 missing]; (Inc) M 1837+, B 1896+
  • BT (OHC) 1661, 1665-73, 1675-81, 1683-6, 1689, 1691-2, 1697-1700, 1702-8, 1710, 1712-31, 1733-6, 1742-7, 1750-4, 1756-1820, 1833-72
  • TS (1) CB 1638-1840 M 1639-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Berinsfield Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1813-1899, M 1837-1900, B 1813-1895 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Berinsfield Lib, Inc, #;
    • (3) C 1900-1961, M 1900-1955, B (cemetery) 1893-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1638-1919, M 1638-1837, B 1638-1896 LDS;
    • (2) BT 1661-1816 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1661-1814, M 1661-1816
  • MI 1996 OCL?, #
  • See also Benson, Chislehampton, Clifton Hampden and Drayton St. Leonard regs.

Dorchester, R.C.

  • St. Birinus Cemetery and Graveyard
  • MI 1996, #


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • nr. Banbury
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1577-1965, M 1578-1837, B 1577-1987
  • PR (OHC) C 1577-1965, M 1578-1837, Banns 1755-1812, B 1577-1812; (Inc) M 1837+, Banns 1831+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-2,1725-6, 1736-71, 1773-92, 1794-1811, 1813-48, 1852-7, 1863-6, 1868-74
  • TS C 1577-1965, M 1578-1837, B 1577-1987 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1859 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1811-1859; M 1578-1837


  • Map square 6D
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • nr. Dorchester . Chapelry of Dorchester until 1848; Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB02 C 1568-1892, M 1569-1979, B 1573-1973
  • PR (OHC) C 1568-1892, M 1569-1977, Banns 1755-1812, 1824-1914, B 1573-1973; (Inc) C 1892+
  • BT (OHC) 1662-78, 1680-2, 1689, 1691-3, 1699-1701, 1704-5, 1707-9, 1712, 1714-37, 1742-51, 1753, 1755-1857, 1863-4
  • TS C 1568-1840, M 1569-1837, B 1573-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1662-1857 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1857, M 1813-1855
  • See also Dorchester regs.


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1550-1917, M 1581-1900, B 1580-1909
  • PR (OHC) C 1550-1917, M 1581-1986, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1987, B 1580-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1721-33, 1735-89, 1791, 1795, 1798-9, 1801-5, 1807-12 [1813-48 damaged], 1849-1909
  • Ptd Index C 1550-1880, MB 1580-1880 North Oxon. Arch. Soc. 2 [annotated M index at OHC, SoG and Bodleian Lib]
  • TS C 1550-1917, M 1581-1900, B 1580-1909 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1721-1865 SoG, LDS
  • MI 1986 OCL?, Witney Lib, LDS, #

DUNSDEN (and [

  • Sonning] Eye) All Saints
  • Map square 8A
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry (and liberty) of Sonning (Berkshire/Oxon) until 1876.
  • PR (OHC) C 1876-1949, M 1876-1982, B 1876-2004; (Inc) Banns 1876+,
  • BT (OHC) 1876-1890
  • MI 1994 BRO, OCL? (BFHS booklet and fiche)
  • See Sonning (Berkshire) regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Mary Magdalen
  • Map square 5H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1593-1995, M 1624-1996, B 1600-1995
  • PR (OHC) C 1654-1995, M 1656-1837, Banns 1754-1801, 1823-1995, B 1654-1995 [gaps C 1696-1746, M 1689-1748, B 1695-1746]; (Inc) M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-2, 1725-7, 1729-30, 1733-4, 1736-58, 1760-74, 1776-89, 1792, 1794, 1797-1801, 1803-10, 1812-67
  • TS (1) C 1654-1995, M 1656-1996, B 1654-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1654-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • Mf BT 1669-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT M 1669, 1741-1837


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 7D
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • United with Cuxham, 1853, to become Cuxham with Easington .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1639-1975, M 1670-1961, B 1722-1979
  • PR [CMB 1583+, missing] (OHC) M 1754-1802, 1834, Banns 1754-1766; (Inc Cuxham) C 1813+, M 1843+, [Banns with Cuxham], B 1816+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1669, 1721-24, 1740, 1743-50, 1759-64, 1775, 1788, 1801, 1811-31, 1833-65
  • TS C 1639, 1669, 1723-1869, 1911-75, M 1670, 1721-1873, 1908-61, B 1722-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1639-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1865, M 1669-1830

Easington Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1938-1971


  • St. Thomas à Becket
  • Map square 6F
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1670-1979, M 1670-1979, B 1670-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1689-1992, M 1686-1970, Banns 1766-1817, 1824-1943, B 1694-1993
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1721-29, 1745, 1753, 1756, 1761, 1773, 1780-2, 1784-91, 1797-9, 1806-74
  • TS (1) C 1670, 1689-1979, M 1670, 1686-1970, B 1670, 1694-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1670-1861, M 1670-1842, B 1670-1861 LDS
  • Mf BT 1670-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1670, 1720-1852, M 1670, 1722- 1835


  • St. Barnabas
  • Caversham, Berkshire
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C —, M 1930-1963, B —
  • PR (Berkshire RO) M 1930-1996, Banns 1943-89; (Inc) C 1929+, [No B regs.]
  • Mf M 1930-1963 BRO, LDS
  • TS M 1930-1963 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See Caversham St. Peter regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 8E
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1539-1983, M 1539-1981, B 1539-1983
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1539-1983, M 1539-1981, B 1539-1983
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1983, M 1539-1981, Banns 1754-1869, B 1542-1812 [gaps C 1648-1714, M 1633-1720, B 1636-1714]; (Inc Chinnor) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684, 1690, 1721-31, 1733, 1735-47, 1749-94, 1796-9, 1801, 1804-11, 1813-65, 1869-83
  • TS (1) CB 1539-1983, M 1539-1981 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1539-1647, 1715-1812, M 1539-1632, 1730-1809, Banns 1810-69, B 1542-1635, 1715-1812 Bodleian Lib, Guildhall Lib., (Mf of TS) LDS;
    • (3) CB 1813-1983, M 1813-1981 CBS
  • Mf BT 1639-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1808-1852; M 1539-1836
  • MI Ptd 1978 Chinnor Hist. & Arch. Soc. Pub.1 OCL?


  • St. Kenelm
  • Map square 4H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1558-1928, M 1558-1976, B 1558-1974
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1985, M 1558-1990, Banns1755-84, 1824, 1831-1944, B 1558-1971 [gaps CMB 1627-1653, M 1728-48]
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1721-6, 1728, 1734-40, 1742-84, 1787-98, 1800-2, 1804-6, 1808-10, 1812-37, 1839
  • TS (1) C 1558-1928, M 1558-1976, B 1558-1974 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1558-1841, M 1558-1837, B 1558-1852 (indexed) SoG
  • Mf (1) BT 1670-1839 SoG, LDS;
    • (2) C 1685-1841 LDS
  • IGI C 1685-1841, M 1558-1837
  • MI c.1980 OHC, SoG, OCL?, LDS, #

Enstone, R.C.

  • Reg(BDRO) 1753-1821


  • St. Anne
  • Map square 3J
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Swalcliffe until 1905.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1577-1940, M 1580-1929, B 1584-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1577-1940, M 1580-1952, Banns 1754-1812, B 1584-1812 [gap M 1676-1703]; (Inc) Banns 1823+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1722, 1726-7, 1735, 1737, 1739-52, 1761-5, 1767-1802, 1805-6, 1808-11,1813-53,1855-71 (1763-1802, 1807 with Swalcliffe returns)
  • TS (1) C 1577-1940, M 1580-1929, Banns 1929-1993, B 1584-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1577-1837, M 1580-1837, B 1584-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Mus;
    • (3) C 1577-1730, M 1580-1731, 1754-1777, B 1584-1728 (Mf of Phillimore MS) LDS
  • Mf (1) C 1761-1940, M 1754-1837, B 1761-1812 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1722-1853 SoG, LDS;
    • (3) C 1577-1734 LDS
  • IGI C 1577-1875, M 1580-1837
  • See also Swalcliffe and Sibford regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1599-1982, M 1599-1979, B 1599-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1599-1911, M 1599-1979, Banns 1755-1812, 1824-1973, B 1599-1986
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1684, 1721-5, 1731, 1735-40, 1742-77, 1786-99, 1801-5, 1807-51, 1852-74, 1889-1900.
  • TS CB 1599-1982, M 1599-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1670-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1802-1852, M 1804-1836
  • MI 1988 OHC, OCL?, LDS, #


  • St. Leonard
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT01 C 1653-2003, M 1663-2005, B 1653-2000
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-2003, M 1665-2005 Banns 1754-83, 1850-1987, B 1653-2000
  • BT (OHC) 1725-9, 1731-7, 1739-53, 1755, 1758-62, 1764-5, 1768-81, 1783, 1787-1862
  • Ptd M 1665-1837 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS (1) C 1653-1841, M 1665-1837, B 1653- 1858 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Eynsham Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1900, M 1837-1900, B 1858-1900 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Eynsham Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1725-1844 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1726-1844; M 1665-1837, BT 1837-44
  • MI (1) 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2000 OCL? Heritage CD
  • See also Freeland regs. and New College, Oxford M 1703-1754

Eynsham, Baptist

  • MI (1) 2004 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2004 OCL? Heritage CD

Eynsham, R.C. (St. Peter)

  • MI (1) 2004 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2004 OCL? Heritage CD


  • Dedication uncertain
  • Map square 1E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Faringdon Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Langford until 1864; Peculiar of Langford until 1846.
  • PR (Inc Langford) C 1865+, M 1866+, Banns (with Langford) 1962+, B 1865+
  • BT (OHC) 1865-95, 1897-8
  • Mf BT 1865-98 SoG, LDS
  • TS C 1865-2002, M 1866-2001, B 1865-2002 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See Langford regs. for earlier entries


  • All Saints
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • United with Ardley, 1921, to become Ardley with Fewcott ; formerly a chapelry of Stoke Lyne. Church demolished, 1959.
  • PR (OHC) M 1909-33, 1947-55; (Inc Ardley) B 1908+
  • See Stoke Lyne regs. for earlier entries and Ardley for C 1908-1959


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 2G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Swinbrook until 1750. United with Idbury, 1864, to become Fifield with Idbury .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1670-1967, M 1670-1965, B 1659-1984
  • PR (OHC) C 1700-1967, M 1754-1994, Banns 1754-1805, 1811, 1824-1960, B 1713-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1721-30, 1736, 1738-71, 1774-1800, 1803, 1807-11, 1813-36, 1841-8, 1851
  • TS C 1670, 1700-1967, M 1670, 1721-1965, B 1669-70, 1712-1984 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1669-1851 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1794-1851, M 1794-1836
  • See also Swinbrook regs.


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Formerly a chapelry of Broadwell.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1864-1964, M 1864-1964, B 1864-1995
  • PR (OHC) Banns 1864-1943; (Inc) C 1864+, M 1864+, B 1864+
  • BT (OHC) 1864-8 (with Broughton Poggs returns)
  • TS CM 1864-1964, B 1864-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See Broughton Poggs (1855-64) and Broadwell regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 7I
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Brackley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1560-1996, M 1560-1996, B 1560-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1560-1872, M 1560-1997, Banns 1754-1812, B 1560-1936 [gaps M 1561-1632]; (Inc) C 1872+, Banns 1825+
  • BT (OHC) 1684-6, 1688, 1700, 1721-33, 1735-60, 1762-1853
  • TS (1) CMB 1560-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1560-1872, M 1560-1853, B 1560-1936 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, CBS, Northamptonshire RO, LDS
  • Mf (1) C 1560-1872, M 1560-1853, B 1560-1936 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1684-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1831-1853, M 1700-1851
  • MI 1989 Inc

FINSTOCK (and FAWLER since 1860)

  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 3G
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1842-1920, M 1850-1920, B 1842-1907
  • PR (OHC) C 1842-2009, M 1850-1995, B 1842-1906; (Inc) Banns 1854+
  • BT (OHC) 1847-1851
  • TS C 1842-1920, M 1850-1920, B 1842-1907 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1847-1851 SoG, LDS
  • MI SMR (OCL?)
  • See Charlbury regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1565-1910, M 1575-1978, B 1564-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1566-1812, M 1575-1836, Banns 1825-1932, B 1564-1812 [gaps C 1666-1700, MB 1666-82, 1684-1740]; (Inc) CB 1813+, M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-2, 1724-7, 1729, 1738, 1741, 1743, 1745-65, 1768-73, 1776, 1779-89, 1792-4, 1796-7, 1799, 1801-48, 1850-69
  • TS (1) C 1566-1666, 1700-1910, M 1575-1661, 1681, 1741-1878, B 1564-1666, 1682-3, 1741-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1564-1683 (MS) Bodleian Lib; further TS in progress
  • Mf CMB 1564-1683; BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1566-1683, BT 1721-1852; M 1575- 1681, BT 1721-1836

Forest Hill, Oxford Methodist Circuit

  • Reg (OHC) C 1920-1963
  • TS C 1920-1963 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C, M 1872-1979, B
  • PR (OHC) M 1872-1979; (Inc) C 1869+, Banns 1872+, B 1869+
  • BT (OHC) 1872-1877
  • See Eynsham regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 7H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1596-1997, M 1586-1995, B 1588-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1596-1863, M 1586-2012, Banns 1756-1810, B 1588-1901; (Inc) C 1863+, Banns 1823+, B 1901+
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1700, 1721-5, 1728, 1731-2, 1736-52, 1754-83, 1785-9, 1791-1801, 1803-71
  • TS (1) C 1596-1997, M 1586-1995, B 1588-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1596-1863, M 1586-1863, B 1588-1900 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf BT 1680-1856 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1856, M 1721-1850


  • St. Olave
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1558-1951, M 1558-1951, B 1558-1951
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1866, M 1558-1836, Banns 1824-95, B 1558-1892; (Inc) C 1866+, M 1838+, Banns 1897+, B 1892+
  • BT (OHC) 1713, 1720-9, 1731-3, 1735-40, 1742 -55, 1758-83, 1785-6, 1792, 1804-8, 1810-13, 1825-31, 1833-8, 1840-65, 1876-81
  • TS CMB 1558-1951 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1558-1866, M 1558-1836, B 1558-1892 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) CMB 1558-1812 SoG;
    • (3) BT 1713-1865 SoG, LDS
  • IGI C 1558-1812, M 1558-1837


  • St. James the Great
  • Map square 2F
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Burford.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1615-1996, M 1615-1963, B 1615-1915
  • PR (OHC) C 1616-1996, M 1616-1962, Banns 1755-80, 1824-25, B 1616-1915; (Inc Burford) Banns 1869+
  • BT (OHC) 1720-5, 1727-33, 1736-8, 1740-1850 (1740-1 with Burford returns), 1853-8
  • TS (1) C 1615-1996, M 1615-1963, B 1615-1915 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1615-1840, M 1615-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf C 1615-1876, M 1615-1962, B 1615-1915 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1615-1876, M 1615-1885
  • See also Burford regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1562-1853, M 1562-1959, B 1563-1855
  • PR (OHC) C 1562-1932, M 1562-1959, Banns 1754-1804, 1823-1962, B 1563-1960 [includes B in woollen, 1678-95 =OHC Acc. No. 1925] [gaps M 1693-1710, B 1695-1710]
  • BT (OHC) 1679, 1721, 1723-6, 1729-31, 1745-46, 1765-86, 1788-97, 1799-1800, 1802-34, 1836-45, 1850-9, 1861-5, 1867-8
  • TS C 1562-1853, M 1562-1851, B 1563-1855 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • MI 2000 OCL?, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 4G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1567-1863, M 1567-1859, B 1567-1862
  • PR (Bodleian Lib) CMB 1567-1657 = Bodleian Lib MS. Top. Oxon. b.22; (OHC) C 1667-1812, M 1668-1837, Banns 1756-1812, B 1667- 1995; (Inc) C 1813+, M 1839+, Banns 1823+
  • BT (OHC) 1719-22, 1725, 1729, 1736, 1738-9, 1743-5, 1763, 1767-71, 1773-4, 1777-8, 1780-1, 1783-90, 1792-5, 1797-9, 1801, 1803-9, 1811, 1813-64, 1866-71
  • Ptd CB 1567-1812, M 1568-1748 (indexed) Oxon. Rec. Soc. 5
  • TS CB 1813-1863, M 1756-1859 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1567-1812 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1656-1812, M 1568-1812


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 7H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1678-1995, M 1679-1953, B 1678-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1678-2007, M 1679-1953, Banns 1825-2002, B 1678-1997
  • BT (OHC) 1700-1, 1718-9, 1721-2, 1724-5, 1728-9, 1733-4, 1736-8, 1740-4, 1746-58,1760-2, 1765, 1806-11, 1813-35, 1837-9, 1841-4, 1846-8, 1850-71, 1874
  • TS (1) C 1678-1995, M 1679-1953 (Banns to 1981), B 1678-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1678-1840, M 1679-1834 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf CB 1678-1812, M 1679-1834 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1678-1812, M 1679-1834


  • St. Thomas à Becket
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Bradfield Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1639-1950, M 1639-1982, B 1639-1964
  • PR (OHC) C 1673-1999, M 1676-2007, Banns 1924-1991, B 1673-1964[gaps CMB 1685-8, 1698; odd gaps 1719-54]; (Inc) C 1888+, M 1837+, B 1865+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1682, 1684, 1722-7, 1729-30, 1737, 1740-79, 1781-1819, 1821-4, 1826-33, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1639, 1673-1888, M 1639, 1676-1837, B 1639, 1673-1865 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Goring Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1888-1950, M 1837-1982, B 1865-1964 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • MI OCL?, Henley Lib, Goring Lib, Inc, #


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Bradfield Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Goring.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1742-1958, M 1743-1752, B 1743-1956
  • PR (OHC) C 1742-1958, M 1743-1752, B 1743-1956 [N.B.There are no earlier regs. or later M regs.]
  • BT see Goring (St. Thomas) returns
  • TS C 1742-1958, M 1743-1752, B 1743-1956 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Goring Lib, Inc, #
  • See Goring regs. for earlier entries and for M 1754+

Goring, Lady Huntingdon's Connexion

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1790-1837, M —, B —
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1790-1834
  • TS ZC 1790-1834 OHC, SoG, BRO, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1790-1834 LDS
  • IGI C 1790-1834


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 3F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelries of Witney until 1854.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT01 C 1761-1954, M 1854-1992, B 1762-1932
  • PR (OHC) Hailey: C 1797-1983, B 1797-1873; Crawley: C 1847-1954, B 1847-1873; Hailey with Crawley: M 1854-1992, Banns 1854-1958, B 1873-1932
  • BT (OHC) 1769-81, 1783-92, 1794, 1796-1802, 1805-12 (with Witney returns); 1813-34, 1836-82
  • TS C 1797-1900 (Crawley to 1954), B 1797-1932 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, # (includes entries from Witney St. Mary)
  • See Witney (St. Mary) regs. for earlier entries

Hailey with Crawley, Society of Friends

  • BT (OHC) B 1874, 1881


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 5G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1622-1996, M 1657-2000, B 1622-2002
  • PR (OHC) C 1622-2011, M 1657-2010, Banns 1824-1999, B 1622-2010 [early reg. deficient; gaps C 1718-1755, M 1719-1758, B 1719-1753]; (Inc Shipton on Cherwell)
  • BT (OHC) 19th cent. returns badly damaged by damp
  • TS (1) C 1622-1996, M 1657-2000, B 1622-2002 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1622-1837, M 1657-1837, B 1622-1852 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Kidlington Lib, Inc
  • Mf CB 1622-1812, M 1657-1836 OHC*, LDS


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5F
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1540-1978, M 1545-1977, B 1544-1978
  • PR (OHC) C 1540-1980, M 1545-1999, Banns 1755-1803, B 1544-1982 [gaps C 1574-1597, M 1553-1596, B 1770-1783]; (Inc) Banns 1845+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-4, 1730-1, 1735, 1740-1, 1744-7, 1749-50, 1752, 1754-5, 1757-9, 1761, 1767, 1770-7, 1784, 1801, 1804-5, 1807-65
  • TS C 1540-1978, M 1545-1977, B 1544-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Kidlington Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1545-1754
  • MI (1) 1978 SoG; (2)1983 OHC, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1560-1992, M 1560-1965, B 1560-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1560-1992, M 1560-1981, Banns 1755-1997, B 1560-1895; (Inc) B 1895+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1730-2, 1737-9, 1741-4, 1746-8, 1750-1, 1755, 1758-69, 1772-4, 1777-80, 1782-3, 1814, 1830, 1851
  • Ptd M 1560-1837 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS CMB 1560-1860 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1560-1837
  • MI 1999 Churchyard & Cemetery OCL?, #
  • See also Hanborough, Long, Christ Church regs.


  • Christ Church
  • Map square 4F
  • chapel of ease to Hanborough St. Peter and St. Paul
  • PR (OHC) C 1894-1992, B 1898-1992 [No M regs.]
  • MI 2000 OCL?, #
  • See Hanborough St. Peter and St. Paul regs. for M and earlier entries


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1586-1930, M 1586-1991, B 1586-1991
  • PR (OHC) C 1586-1930, M 1586-1837, Banns 1824-1928, B 1586-1812; (Inc Horley) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-31, 1735-6, 1738-55, 1757-9, 1761-74, 1776-81, 1786, 1789-97, 1800-83
  • TS C 1586-1930, M 1586-1991, B 1586-1991 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1586-1837

Hanwell Methodist

  • Banbury Methodist Circuit
  • Reg (OHC) C 1946-1955
  • TS C 1946-1955 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #

HARDWICK (with TUSMORE since c.1840)

  • St Mary
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1744-1996, M 1755-1996, B 1739-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1758-1787, 1813-1992, M 1758-1977, Banns 1758-92, 1823-2003, B 1760-1798 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.], 1813-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1739, 1744-5, 1755-6, 1758-9, 1764-76, 1783, 1813-53, 1855-65
  • TS (1) C 1744-1996, M 1755-1996, B 1739-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1744-1976, M 1755-1977, B 1739-1977 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib,
  • IGI
  • BT M 1755-1837
  • See also Hethe and Souldern regs. for earlier entries

Hardwick R.C.

  • Reg (BDRO) 1802-21


  • St. Margaret
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1560-1928, M 1563-1910, B 1558-1878
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1560-1928, M 1563-1910, B 1558-1878
  • PR (OHC) C 1560-1928, M 1563-1994 [N.B. M 1754-1812 missing], B 1558-1812; (Inc) Banns 1933+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1685, 1721-5, 1728, 1732-3, 1735-59, 1761, 1763-5, 1767-85, 1787-1805, 1808-10, 1813-34, 1837-78
  • TS C 1560-1928, M 1563-1910, B 1558-1878 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1563-1754


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 7D
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1538-1900, M 1538-1926, B 1538-1958
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1900, M 1538-2008, Banns 1776-1812, 1827-1926, B 1538-1958; (Inc) C 1900+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729-31, 1735-7, 1739-82, 1784-1835, 1851
  • TS (1) CB 1538-1838, M 1538-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1839-1900, M 1837-1926, B 1839-1958 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1538-1837


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED03 C 1678-1953, M 1598-1958, B 1678-1885
  • PR (OHC) C 1681-1953, M 1694-1993, Banns 1823-1981, B 1683-1950 [CMB 1681-1742 damaged by damp]
  • BT (OHC) 1678-9, 1721-7, 1729-31, 1738-41, 1743-5, 1747-62, 1764-81, 1783-4, 1786-1800, 1802-53
  • TS C 1678-1953, M 1678-1958, B 1678-1885 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Headington Lib, Inc, #; further
  • TS in progress
  • Mf C 1681-1848, M 1694-1837, B 1683-1900 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1681-1848, M 1694-1837
  • MI (1) 1978 OHC;
    • (2) OCL?, Headington Lib, #
  • See also Headington Quarry, Oxford, Bayswater St. Mary and Oxford, Highfield All Saints regs.

Headington, Baptist

  • MI 1977 OHC, SoG, OCL?, #

Headington, Lime Walk, Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1923-1989, M 1934-1988


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED03 C 1849-1985, M 1850-1993, B 1849-2000
  • PR (OHC) C 1849-1985, M 1850-1993, Banns 1913-92, B 1849-2000
  • BT (OHC) 1850-4, 1863-72, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1883, 1889-1901
  • TS C 1849-1985, M 1850-1993, B 1849-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Headington Lib, Inc, #; further
  • TS in progress
  • MI (1) 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) 2003 OCL? Heritage CD
  • See Headington (St. Andrew) regs. for earlier entries; see also Oxford, Bayswater St. Mary and Oxford, Highfield All Saints regs.

Headington Quarry, Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) M1923-1988
  • MI OCL?, Headington Lib, #

Headington Registration District

  • Ptd M notices 1840-1856 Eureka


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 5I
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • chapel of ease to Deddington St. Peter and St. Paul
  • PR (OHC) C 1852-1920 (kept with Deddington regs.) [There are no other regs.]


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1558-1979, M 1558-1976, B 1558-1944
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1979, M 1558-1975, Banns 1785-1841, 1901-53, B 1558-1944 [gaps CB 1734-7, M 1721-1738, apart from odd entries in clerk s book ]
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684, 1690, 1699, 1721-4, 1738-68, 1770-6, 1779-1830, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1558-1979, M 1558-1976, Banns 1785-1844, 1901-53, B 1558-1944 (with sectional indexes) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1558-1979, M 1558- 1976, B 1558-1845 (indexed) BRO
  • IGI M 1558-1653
  • MI 1861 OCL?;
  • Ptd Henley Arch. &
  • See also Henley Holy Trinity regs.


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • [previously known as ROTHERFIELD GREYS Holy Trinity]
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1848-1934, M 1848-1947, B 1848-1945
  • PR (OHC) C 1848-1934, M 1848-1947, Banns 1848-93, B 1848-1945
  • BT (OHC) 1848-65, 1868-85 (with Rotherfield Greys returns)
  • TS C 1848-1934, M 1848-1947, B 1848-1945 (with sectional indexes) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • See Rotherfield Greys (St. Nicholas), Rotherfield Peppard and Henley (St. Mary) regs. for earlier entries

Henley, Society of Friends (Reading Monthly Meeting regs.)

  • Reg(TNA) Z 1650-1836, M 1683-1773, 1779- 1835, B 1660-1837
  • BT (OHC) B 1873-1874

Henley URC (Christchurch) formerly Independent/Congregational

  • MI 1984/98 OCL?, #

Henley Registration District

  • Ptd M notices 1837-1856 Eureka


  • St. Edmund and St. George
  • Map square 7H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1679-1997, M 1700-1997, B 1678-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1679-2006, M 1713-1978, Banns 1755-1812, 1855-2010, B 1678-1955; (Inc Finmere)
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721-30, 1733, 1735-7, 1739-41, 1743-1801, 1804-74
  • TS (1) C 1679-1997, M 1700-1997, B 1678-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1679-1879, M 1700, 1713-1879, B 1678-1955 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib,
  • IGI BT M 1700-1837
  • MI OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/3)
  • See also Hardwick regs.

Hethe, R.C.

  • Reg (BDRO) 1839-1859


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1539-1905, M 1539-1897, B 1539-1888
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1857, M 1539-1837, Banns 1754-1813, 1823-1976, B 1539-1888; (Inc) C 1857+, M 1837+, B 1888+
  • BT (OHC) 1680-2, 1685, 1688, 1700, 1713, 1721-7, 1732, 1735-6, 1738-40, 1742-79, 1781-1805, 1807-9, 1811, 1813-77
  • TS (1) CMB 1539-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #;
    • (2) C 1539-1893, M 1539-1897, B 1539-1888 (MS. D.D. Dew c. 52) Bodleian Lib;
    • (3) C 1841-93, M 1841-97, B 1841-88 (MS) OHC, OCL?, Banbury Lib (CM only), #
  • IGI M 1539-1840


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1558-1885, M 1557-1925, B 1557-1957
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1885, M 1557-1925, Banns 1755-1810, 1824, 1855-89, 1913, B 1557-1957; (Inc) C 1885+, Banns 1890+
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1682, 1685, 1700, 1721-4, 1726-7, 1729, 1735, 1738-44, 1746, 1748-55, 1760, 1763-5, 1768, 1770-1, 1777, 1779-85, 1788-9, 1791-4, 1796, 1798-1819, 1851
  • TS C 1558-1885, M 1557-1925, B 1557-1957 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI
  • BT M 1682-1819


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 3H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1600-1980, M 1613-1976, B 1613-1981
  • PR (OHC) C 1600-1970, M 1613-1994, Banns 1778-1806, 1825-2007, B 1613-1991; (Inc) Banns 1825+
  • BT (OHC) 1668, 1723-32, 1735-6, 1738-43, 1746-52, 1755-8, 1761, 1764-6, 1768-87, 1793-8, 1801-2, 1804, 1807, 1810-1, 1813-33
  • TS (1) C 1600-1980, M 1613-1976, B 1613- 1981 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1606-1850, M 1613-1847, B 1613-1850 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib;
    • (3) C 1851-1980, M 1838-1976, B 1851-1981(indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT M 1668-1833
  • MI c.1977 OHC, SoG, OCL?, LDS, #

Heythrop, R.C.

  • Reg(BDRO) 1754-1858
  • Ptd. CM 1729-1730 Catholic Rec. Soc. 14


  • St. Paul
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Bix and Rotherfield Greys until 1860.
  • PR (Inc) C 1860+, M 1860+, Banns 1860+, B 1860+
  • BT none
  • See Bix and Rotherfield Greys regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 7E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1633-1948, M 1633-1978, B 1633-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1633-1994, M 1633-1836, 1978-1995 [M 1837-1978 missing], Banns 1763-74, 1796-1861, 1869-1993, B 1633-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1720-7, 1729-31, 1736-42, 1745-9, 1752, 1754-74, 1776-84, 1786, 1788-98, 1800-9, 1811-63
  • TS (1) CB 1633-1843, M 1633-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1844-1948, M 1837-1978, B 1842-1982 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CB 1633-1794, M 1633-1754 LDS
  • MI 1978/99 OCL?, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 1F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Broadwell until 1850.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1845-1995, M 1844-1996, B 1846-1994
  • PR (Inc) C 1845+, M 1844+, Banns (including Westwell) 1961+, B 1846+
  • BT (OHC) 1730, 1736-7, 1740-1, 1753, 1758-60 (with Broadwell returns); 1851, 1860-77
  • TS C 1845-1995, M 1844-1996, B 1846-1994 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See Broadwell regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 3I
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1550-1995, M 1669-1979, B 1643-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1550-1911, M 1729-1917, Banns 1754-1813, 1823-1940, B 1643-1982 [gap C 1662-1729]
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1721-8, 1730-1, 1733-9, 1741-8, 1750-63, 1765-81, 1783-1860, 1862-74
  • TS (1) C 1550-1995, M 1669-1979, B 1643-1982 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Hook Norton Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1550-1911, M 1669-70, 1721-1837, B 1643-1867 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • IGI BT M 1669-70, 1721-8; R M 1729-1837
  • MI (1) 1990, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Hook Norton Lib, LDS, #;
    • (2) 1982-3 OCL?

Hook Norton, Baptist

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1772-1837, M 1844-1877, B 1841-1856
  • Reg (OHC) M 1844-1866, D 1812-1969
  • TS Z 1772-1837, M 1844-1877, D 1841-1856 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Hook Norton Lib, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1979-80 SMR (OCL?)

Hook Norton, Methodist (Chipping Norton and Stow Circuit)

  • Reg (OHC) C 1876-1931


  • St. Etheldreda
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1539-1992, M 1538-1992, B 1539-1968
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1880, M 1538-1837, Banns 1755-1812, B 1539-1968; (Inc) C 1880+, M 1837+, Banns 1815+
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1608, 1611, 1613-18, 1663-8, 1675-6, 1678-81, 1683-5, 1692-1712, 1714-29, 1731-4, 1736-1822, 1824-9, 1831-6, 1838-41, 1848-65, 1871-77 (1813, 1824-8, 1831-2, 1838-41 at CBS)
  • TS C 1539-1992, M 1538-1992, B 1539-1968 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
  • IGI BT C 1812; M 1538-1837
  • See also Hornton regs.


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Horley; Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1703-1992, M 1723-1990, B 1703-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1703-1862, M 1723-54, 1779-84 (1754-78, 1785-1812 in Horley M regs.), 1813-37, Banns 1785-1823, 1838-1951, B 1703-1880; (Inc) C 1862+, M 1837+, B 1880+
  • BT (OHC) 1605-8, 1611-18, 1668-9, 1676, 1681-17, 1690-7, 1699-1705, 1709-10, 1716-22, 1724-35, 1739, 1741-55, 1757-1819, 1821-9, 1831-6, 1838-9, 1841, 1848-73, 1875-7 (1813, 1824-8, 1831-2, 1838-9 at CBS)
  • TS (1) C 1703-1992, M 1723-1990, B 1703-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1703-1862, M 1723-54, 1779-84, 1813-37, B 1703-1880 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT C 1812; M 1723-1837
  • See Horley regs. for earlier entries and for marriages, 1754-1812


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1561-1900, M 1561-1900, B 1562-1900
  • PR (OHC) C 1561-1964, M 1561-1978, Banns 1754-1804, 1849, B 1562-1954; (Inc) Banns 1849+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729-31, 1737-52, 1754, 1756-79, 1781-2, 1784, 1787, 1791-3, 1795-1804, 1806-66
  • TS (1) C 1561-1900, M 1561-1900, B 1562-1900 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1561-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1561-1836
  • MI (1) 2001/3 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) OCL? Heritage CD
  • See also Magdalen College, Oxford M 1728-54


  • St. Barnabas
  • Map square 6F
  • Bullingdon Hundred [N.B. Hamlet of Studley = Ashendon Hundred, Buckinghamshire]
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Beckley until 1880.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1880-1979, M 1882-1979, B 1880-2004
  • PR (Inc Elsfield) C 1880+, M 1882+, Banns 1881+, B 1880+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-4, 1737-8 (with Beckley returns)
  • TS C 1880-1979, M 1882-1979, B 1880-1980 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See Beckley regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 9C
  • part Desborough Hundred, Buckinghamshire, part Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred, Oxon
  • Wycombe Poor Law Union
  • United with Fingest, 1853, to become Ibstone with Fingest. Parish transferred entirely to Buckinghamshire, 1896.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1639-1947, M 1639-1973, B 1639-1973
  • PR (CBS) C 1665-1947, M 1665-1973, Banns 1771-95,1823-1946, B 1665-1973
  • BT (CBS) 1639-1812 (most of 17th cent. and early 18th cent. returns missing); (OHC) post 1845 damaged returns
  • Ptd M 1665-1812 Phillimore Buckinghamshire 6
  • TS C 1639, 1665-1947, M 1639, 1665-1973, B 1639, 1685-1973 OHC, SoG, CBS, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1665-1947, MB 1665-1973 CBS
  • IGI M 1665-1812 [in Buckinghamshire index]
  • MI 1983 OHC, OCL?, Henley Lib, CBS, LDS, #


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 7E
  • part Ashendon Hundred, Buckinghamshire, part Ewelme Hundred, Oxon
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Parish transferred entirely to Buckinghamshire, 1886.
  • PR (CBS) C 1561-1993, M 1562-1836, Banns 1754-1808, 1824-1936, B 1562-1993; (Inc) M 1839+, Banns 1936+
  • BT (CBS) 1575-6, 1590-1, 1600-14, 1616-49, 1659, 1661-4, 1671-4, 1676-82, 1685-9, 1692-6, 1698-1723, 1725-1840, 1842; (OHC) 1846-69
  • Mf C 1561-1993, M 1562-1836, B 1562-1993 CBS


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 2G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Swinbrook until 1750. United with Fifield, 1864, to become Fifield with Idbury .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1669-1983, M 1722-1952, B 1721-1985
  • PR [CMB 1706+, missing] (OHC) C 1762-1991, M 1754-1972, Banns 1754-1808, 1823-1975, B 1762-1991
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-6, 1728-9, 1731, 1733-6, 1738-71, 1774-1803, 1805-6, 1808, 1810-1, 1813, 1815-48, 1851
  • TS C 1669, 1721-1983, M 1722-1952, B 1721-1985 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See also Swinbrook regs.


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1572-1981, M 1574-1971, B 1572-1986
  • PR (OHC) C 1572-1981, M 1574-1971, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1981, B 1572-1986 [gap M 1660-94, 1728-34]
  • BT (OHC) 2 n.d. [?1669, 1680], 1721-5, 1743-4, 1747-81, 1783-6, 1788-1800, 1802-75
  • TS (1) C 1572-1900, M 1574-1900, B 1572-1874 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1901-81, M 1901-71, B 1874-1986 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • MI 2006 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#
  • See also Littlemore regs. and Magdalen College, Oxford M 1728-1754


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Formerly a chapelry of North Stoke.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1560-1983, M 1569-1978, B 1569-1983
  • PR (OHC) C 1560-1983, M 1569-1978 (photocopy 1980-97), Banns 1755-1811, B 1569-1933; (Inc North Stoke) Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684-5, 1722-30, 1736-48, 1750, 1752-1828, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1560-1983, M 1569-1978, B 1569-1983 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1560-1860 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1569-1840
  • MI (1) 1911 (MS) SoG;
    • (2) OCL?
  • See also Stoke Row and North Stoke regs.


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 6F
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1590-2005, M 1590-1999, B 1590-2005
  • PR (OHC) C 1590-1960, M 1590-1999, Banns 1717-41, 1754-1812, 1823-78, 1888-1949, B 1590-1955 [gaps C 1680-83, M 1678-94, B 1678-83]
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1680, 1682, 1700, 1721-4, 1727, 1729-31, 1733, 1735-59, 1761-74, 1777, 1779-89, 1791-1822, 1826-30, 1834-8, 1850-2
  • TS (1) CB 1590-2005, M1590-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1590-1848, M 1590-1844, B 1590-1871 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc
  • Mf C 1590-1886, M 1590-1953, B 1590-1871 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1590-1875, M 1590-1885
  • MI 1995/99 OCL?, #


  • St. George
  • Map square 2D
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Faringdon Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Broadwell until 1960.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-FAR02 C 1538-1994, M 1548-1978, B 1538-1991
  • PR (Inc Broadwell) C 1538-1724, M 1547-1681, B 1538-1688; (OHC) C 1740-1992, M 1744-1812 [M 1813-37 in Broadwell regs.], 1837-1978, Banns 1825-1982, B 1740-1991 [gaps C 1694-1761, M 1647-76, 1682-1743, 1745-63, B 1694-1763]
  • BT (OHC) 1725, 1727, 1730, 1732, 1737, 1746-9, 1752-4, 1758, 1760, 1763, 1765-6, 1771, 1791-3, 1801-2, 1804, 1809 (all with Broadwell returns); 1740-1, 1744, 1764-5, 1774-6, 1778-81, 1783-91, 1793-9, 1835-59
  • TS (1) C 1538-1994, M 1548-1978, B 1538-1991 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1538-1845, M 1547-1811, B 1538-1850 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf C 1538-1724, M 1547-1681, B 1538-1688 [with Broadwell] OHC
  • See also Broadwell regs.


  • St. George
  • Map square 2E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1548-1999, M 1600-1996, B 1581-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1544-1812, M 1600-1849, Banns 1824-1965, B 1581-1812; (Inc) CB 1813+, M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1721, 1723-30, 1736-55, 1757-94, 1797-9, 1802-66
  • TS (1) C 1544-1852, M 1600-1849, B 1581-1857 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1813-1999, M 1837-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1544-1812 OHC


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 4G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1573-1977, M 1576-1975, B 1576-1973
  • PR (OHC) C 1573-1977, M 1576-1975, Banns 1755-1812, 1824-1955, B 1576-1973
  • BT (OHC) 1722-6, 1729-70, 1772, 1774-82, 1784, 1786-9, 1791-3, 1801-22, 1833-71 (1814-71 damaged by damp)
  • TS (1) C 1573-1977, M 1576-1975, B 1576-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1573-1729 (MS) Northamptonshire RO
  • IGI M 1576-1837

Kiddington, R.C.

  • Reg(BDRO) 1788-1870
  • Ptd C 1788-1840 Catholic Rec. Soc. 17
  • IGI C 1788-1840


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1579-1899, M 1574-1893, B 1574-1960
  • PR (OHC) C 1579-2004, M 1574-2012, Banns 1823-2005, B 1574-1960 [gap C 1653-1663]
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1680, 1721, 1723-4, 1726, 1728-30, 1739-40, 1742-1870
  • Ptd (1) CMB 1574-1837 (indexed) Kidlington Hist. Soc., 1981, Kidlington Lib, #;
    • (2) M 1574-1754 Oxford Hist. Soc. 24
  • TS C 1837-1899, M 1837-1893, B 1838-1960 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Kidlington Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI C 1579-1837, M 1574-1837
  • MI OHC, OCL?, LDS, Kidlington Lib, #;
  • Ptd Kidlington. Hist. Soc. 1981
  • See also entry under WATER EATON


  • St. John the Baptist
  • PR (OHC) C (unofficial reg) 1955-68, Banns 1975-1990; (Inc) C 1954+, M 1975+ [No B regs.]
  • See Kidlington (St. Mary) regs. for earlier entries

Kidlington, St Thomas More R.C.

  • Reg (OHC) M 1982-85


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 8A
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1852-1942, M 1854-1948, B 1852-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1852- 1983, M 1854-1985, 1991-2000, Banns 1854-1964, B 1852-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1852-1868
  • TS C 1852-1942, M 1854-1948, B 1852-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Henley Lib, Sonning Common Lib, Inc, #
  • See Caversham (now Berkshire), Shiplake and Sonning (Berkshire) regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1663-1910, M 1663-1902, B 1663-1963
  • PR (OHC) C 1663-1858, M 1663-1969, Banns 1756-1931, B 1663-1963; (Inc) C 1858+
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1721-9, 1731-3, 1735, 1740, 1744-7, 1749-52, 1754-62, 1764-84, 1786-8, 1791-5, 1801, 1810-1, 1813-38, 1851
  • TS C 1663-1910, M 1663-1902, B 1663-1963 with MS additions (indexed) OHC, SoG (without additions), Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1663-1858, M 1663-1969, B 1663-1963 OHC*, LDS


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 9E
  • part Lewknor Hundred, Oxon [Tythrop], part Ashendon Hundred, Buckinghamshire
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Situated in Oxon, 1896-1933, but now entirely in Buckinghamshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1538-1812, M 1602-1840, B 1575-1812
  • PR (CBS) C 1538-1985, M 1620-1963, B 1620-1985; (Inc) Banns 1823+
  • BT (CBS) 1575-6, 1590-1, 1602-41, 1659-65, 1671-2, n.d., 1675-7, 1679-82, 1686-7, 1700-1839; (OHC) none
  • TS C 1538-1812, M 1602-1840, B 1575-1812 (indexed) OHC, SoG, CBS, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1538-1985, M 1620-1840, B 1620-1985 CBS


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 5I
  • King s Sutton Hundred
  • Brackley Poor Law Union
  • Situated in Northamptonshire, but in the Peculiar of Banbury (Oxon) until 1846.
  • PR (Northamptonshire RO)
  • PR C 1582-1981, M 1570-2002, Banns 1754-1812, B 1614-1983
  • BT (Lincolnshire Archives Office) 1605-1619; (OHC) 1664, 1666, 1676, 1681-3, 1690-3, 1697-1701, 1703, 1705, 1707, 1710-11, 1714-18, 1720-1, 1723-32, 1734-7, 1739-44, 1746-58, 1760-90, 1792-1812, 1839; (Northamptonshire RO) 1853-60
  • TS M 1570-1811 OHC, SoG, Northamptonshire RO, Northamptonshire Lib.
  • Mf (1) C 1582-1981, M 1570-2002, B 1614-1983 Northamptonshire RO;
    • (2) C 1582-1837, M 1570-1844, B 1614-1841 Northamptonshire RO
  • IGI C 1812-3, M 1812-3 [in Northamptonshire index]

King's Sutton Methodist

  • Banbury Methodist Circuit
  • Reg (OHC) M 1940-1982

Kingston Blount, Congregational

  • Reg (OHC) M 1918-30 (1936-62 =Cowley Rd.)


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 5G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1558-2002, M 1558-2003, B 1558-2002
  • PR (OHC) CMB 1558-1699 [CB 1700-1812, M 1700-54, missing]; C 1813-1997, M 1754-2010, Banns 1754-1812, 1824-74, 1927-1985, B 1813-1963
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1720-32, 1735-40, 1743, 1745-8, 1751-4, 1756-7, 1760-1, 1764-74, 1776-1853
  • TS (1) CB 1558-2002, M 1558-2003 (BT’s CB 1720-1812, M 1700-53) (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1558-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc
  • Mf CMB 1558-1699 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1558-1699, M 1558-1837
  • See also St. John s Coll., Oxford M 1695-1754


  • St. Matthew
  • Map square 2E
  • part Bampton Hundred, Oxon, part [Little Faringdon] Faringdon Hundred, Berkshire
  • Faringdon Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Langford until 1846; parish entirely in Oxon after 1844.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-FAR02 C 1538-2000, M 1589-1999, B 1538-2000
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1851, M 1589-1837, 1990-2002, Banns 1754-1813, 1824-1961, B 1538-1880 [gaps C 1665-90, 1728-59, M 1644-60, 1665-91, B 1665-81, 1724-59]; (Inc) C 1851+, M 1837+, Banns (with Little Faringdon) 1962+, B 1880+
  • BT (OHC) 1675, 1685, 1760-1803, 1813-84
  • TS (1) C 1538-1851, M 1589-1851, B 1538-1880 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1851-2000, M 1837-1999, B 1880-2000 [with notes of CMB not found in registers] (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1538-1812 OHC
  • See also Little Faringdon regs.

Langford, Congregational

  • Reg(Inc United Reformed Church, Faringdon) C 1872+, M 1882+, B 1874+
  • TS C 1872-1920, M 1882-1915, B 1874-1922 (indexed) [included with
  • TS of Faringdon Congr.] OHC, SoG, BRO, WSRO, OCL?, Inc, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1648-1979, M 1671-1978, B 1681-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1648-1998, M 1671-2011, Banns 1756-1812, 1874-1943, B 1681-1883; (Inc) C 1856+, B 1883+
  • BT (OHC) 1719-30, 1732-3, 1735-42, 1746, 1748-94, 1796-1801, 1803-6, 1808-13, 1815-48, 1863-6
  • TS (1) C 1648-1979, M 1671-1978, B 1681-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1648-1839, M 1671-1836, B 1681-1839 (indexed) LDS
  • Mf C 1648-1856, M 1671-1978, B 1681-1883 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI M 1671-1837
  • MI 1991 SoG, OCL?, SMR (OCL?), Bicester Lib, LDS, #


  • St. Michael and All Angels
  • Map square 3F
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Shipton under Wychwood until 1745.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1784-1983, M 1853-1956, B 1812-1948
  • PR (OHC) C 1784-1983, M 1853-1983, B 1831-1977
  • BT (OHC) 1786, 1801-2, 1804-6, 1812-1902
  • TS C 1784-1983, M 1853-1956, B 1831-1948 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See Shipton under Wychwood regs. for all earlier entries


  • St. Margaret
  • Map square 8D
  • part Lewknor Hundred, Oxon, part Desborough Hundred, Buckinghamshire
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1666-1999, M 1666-2004, B 1666-1999
  • PR (OHC) CB 1666-1999, M 1666-1978, 1992-2004, Banns 1807-12, 1823-1999
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1721-7, 1730-1, 1733, 1735-43, 1748-57, 1759-93, 1795-7, 1802-18, 1830-7, 1851 (1791-2, 1806-10, 1812 returns include entries for Ackhampstead Chapel)
  • TS (1) C 1666-1856, M 1666-1837, B 1666-1884 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1666-1760, M 1666-1753 SoG, Bodleian Lib, (Mf of TS) LDS
  • IGI M 1666-1753
  • MI 1998/2000 OCL?, #
  • See also Ackhampstead and Cadmore End (both now Buckinghamshire) regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 8J
  • Ploughley Hundred [later Buckingham Hundred, Buckinghamshire]
  • Buckingham Poor Law Union
  • A detached portion of the county of Oxford, situated in Buckinghamshire; transferred entirely to Buckinghamshire, 1844, but remained in Oxford archdeaconry until 1920.
  • PR (CBS) C 1558-1811, M 1558-1836, Banns 1754-1817, 1827-33, B 1558-1812; (Inc) CB 1813+, M 1837+, Banns 1834+
  • BT (OHC) 1678-9, 1700-1, 1721-6, 1729-33, 1735-9, 1741-4, 1746-1888
  • TS CMB 1558-1840 (indexed) OHC*, SoG, OCL?, CBS, Inc, #
  • Mf CB 1558-1812, M 1558-1836 CBS, LDS
  • IGI C 1558-1812, M 1558-1840 [in Buckinghamshire index]


  • St. Mary and St. Nicholas
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • Liberty in the parish of Iffley; chapelry of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, until 1847.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1836-1934, M 1847-1945, B 1836-1929
  • PR (OHC) C 1836-1967, M 1847-1994, Banns 1963-99, B 1836-1929
  • BT (OHC) 1848-1871
  • TS C 1836-1934, M 1847-1945, B 1836-1929 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc,#
  • See Oxford St. Mary the Virgin (and Iffley) regs. for earlier entries

Littlemore Hospital

  • Reg(Warneford Hospital) Discharges, Removals, D 1846+
  • TS Discharges, Removals, D 1846-1893 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Littlemore Lib, Warneford Hospital, #
  • Reg(Warnford Hospital) B 1882-1954
  • TS B 1882-1954 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Littlelemore Lib, Warnford Hospital, #


  • St. Margaret
  • Map square 8A
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Bradfield Poor Law Union
  • In archdeaconry of Berkshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1627-1960, M 1627-1912, B 1627-1934
  • PR (Eton Coll. Lib., Berkshire) B 1580-1582; (OHC) C 1627-1960, M 1627-2007, Banns 1824-1964, B 1627-1934
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1670, 1690, 1718, 1720-8, 1732-64, 1766-71, 1773-1801, 1803-4, 1806-77
  • TS (1) C 1627-1840, MB 1627-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1960, M 1837-1912, B 1838-1934 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1627-1867, M 1627-1837, B 1627-1812 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1627-1867, M 1627-1837, 1856

Mapledurham, R.C.

  • Ptd CB 1710-12 Catholic Rec. Soc. 1


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 5E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1654-1944, M 1654-1900, B 1653-1904
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1944, M 1654-1942 [N.B. M 1754-1812 missing], B 1653-1904; (Inc) Banns 1940+, B 1904+
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1722-5, 1727-8, 1730-2; 1769-91 (M only); 1791-1808, 1811-64, 1866-71
  • TS C 1653-1944, M 1654-1900, B 1653-1904 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Old Marston Lib, Inc, #


  • St. Michael and All Angels
  • Map square 5E
  • Oxford
  • PR (OHC) C 1933-1978, M 1936-1971, Banns 1968-1975; (Inc) B [interment of ashes] 1948+
  • See Marston (St. Nicholas) and Headington regs. for earlier entries.


  • St. Swithin
  • Map square 6G
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1635-1964, M 1729-1990, B 1635-1991
  • PR (OHC) C 1635-1964, M 1739-1990, Banns 1754-1812, 1828-1935, B 1635-1989 [gaps C 1641-54, 1689-1717]
  • BT (OHC) 1721-31, 1735-54, 1756, 1758-62, 1764-5, 1767-97, 1799-1801, 1803-51, 1866-77
  • TS (1) C 1635-1964, M 1729-1990, B 1635-1991 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1635-1964, M 1729-1837, B 1635-1972 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT M 1729-1837
  • MI (1) 1888 SoG;
    • (2) 1978 OHC, OCL?, LDS, #


  • All Saints
  • Map square 6G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1598-2002, M 1599-2001, B 1599-2003
  • PR (OHC) C 1598-1916, M 1599-1978, Banns 1756-97, B 1599-2009 [gap M 1804-12]; (Inc Chesterton) Banns 1919+
  • BT (OHC) 1678-81, 1684-5, 1718-9, 1721-3, 1726, 1730-1, 1738-43, 1754, 1758-62, 1764-76, 1778-93, 1795-9, 1801-5, 1807-11, 1813-65
  • TS (1) C 1598-2002, M 1599-2001, B 1599-2003 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1598-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, LDS
  • IGI BT M 1679-1830
  • MI SMR (OCL?)


  • St. Laurence
  • Map square 4I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Bloxham until 1854.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1562-1944, M 1562-1967, B 1562-1990
  • PR (OHC) C 1562-1766, 1813-1944, M 1562-1711, 1838-1967, 1982-1997, B 1562-1719, 1854-1993; (Inc Bloxham) Banns 1824+ [entries for intervening years recorded in Bloxham regs.]
  • BT with Bloxham returns
  • TS C 1562-1766, 1813-1944, M 1562- 1711, 1838-1967, B 1562-1719, 1854-1990 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1562-1711
  • See also Bloxham regs.


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 5I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapel of ease to Adderbury St. Mary until 1956.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1857-1989, M 1956-1988, B 1857-1989
  • PR (Inc) CB 1857+, M 1956+, Banns 1956+
  • BT none
  • TS CB 1857-1989, M 1956-1988 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • See Adderbury regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7E
  • part [Chilworth, until 1866] Bullingdon Hundred, part Thame Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Thame until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1550-1966, M 1550-1964, B 1550-1890
  • PR (OHC) C 1550-1967, M 1550-2009, Banns 1754-1862, 1873, 1900-2, B 1550-1890; (Inc) Banns 1903+, B 1890+
  • BT (OHC) 1604-5, 1638-9, 1665-7, 1674-7, 1679-87, 1689, 1691, 1718-9, 1736-60, 1762-99, 1801-4, 1806-57 (1798, 1802-4, 1806-12 returns include entries for Little Milton)
  • TS (1) CMB 1550-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1966, M 1837-1964, B 1841-1890 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1550-1840
  • See also Little Milton regs.


  • St. James
  • Map square 7E
  • Thame Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Great Milton until 1844; Peculiar of Thame until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1844-1915, M 1845-1978, B 1844-1974
  • PR (OHC) C 1844-1915, M 1845-1992, Banns 1845-1977, B 1844-1974 [N.B. Non-official baptismal book containing names of godparents, 1844-1917]
  • BT (OHC) 1798, 1802-4, 1806-12 (with Great Milton returns); 1844-50, 1852, 1860-71 (damaged)
  • TS (1) C 1844-1915, M 1845-1978, B 1844-1974 (indexed) OHC, SoG, COS, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1844-71 (damaged) OHC*, LDS
  • See Great Milton regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Simon and St. Jude
  • Map square 2G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Shipton under Wychwood until 1895.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1854-2003, M 1855-2003, B 1854-2001
  • PR (OHC) C 1854-1988, M 1855-1984, Banns 1916-61, B 1854-1992
  • BT none
  • TS C1854-2003, M 1855-2003, B 1854-2003 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1854-1920, M 1855-1900, B 1854-1908 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, Witney Lib, Wychwood Lib, Inc
  • See Shipton under Wychwood regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Kenelm
  • Map square 3F
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1656-1973, M 1667-1972, B 1661-1973
  • PR [CMB 1677+, missing] (OHC) C 1765-1894, M 1754-2013, Banns 1824-1966, B 1762-1913; (Inc) C 1894+, B 1913
  • BT (OHC) 1667-70, 1680, 1682, 1684, 1721-4, 1728, 1730, 1732, 1736-8, 1740-1, 1745-6, 1748, 1750-5, 1757, 1759, 1761, 1763-94, 1796-1843, 1856-65
  • TS C BT 1667-1764, PR 1765-1973, M BT 1667-1752, PR 1754-1972, B BT 1667-1761, PR 1762-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1667-1865 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1865, M 1813-1857
  • MI 1980 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, LDS, #


  • All Saints
  • Map square 7I
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Brackley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1645-1996, M 1657-1995, B 1653-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1645-1876, M 1657-2002, Banns 1824-1896, B 1656-1966; (Inc) C 1877+, Banns 1896+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1730-7, 1739-67, 1769-82, 1784-1801, 1803-9, 1811-48, 1850-1
  • TS (1) C 1645-1996, M 1657-1995, B 1653-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1645-1876, M 1657-1882, B 1645-1966 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS
  • Mf (1) C 1645-1876, M 1657-1882, B 1656-1966 OHC*, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1721-1851 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1645-1876, M 1657-1882


  • All Saints
  • Map square 4K
  • part Bloxham Hundred, Oxon, part Kington Hundred, Warwickshire [entirely Oxon after 1896]
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Cropredy until 1851, when united with Claydon to become Claydon with Mollington ; Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1570-1999, M 1565-1987, B 1565-1988
  • PR (OHC) C 1561-1897[1560/1-9 illegible], M 1565-1998, Banns 1789-92, 1824-1910, B 1565-1988 [gaps M 1716-1724, 1754-9]; (Inc) C 1897+, Banns 1910+,
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1610-3, 1616-18, 1664-8, 1670-1, 1675-6, 1679-83, 1686-1707, 1709-1813, 1815-7, 1819-35, 1843-9, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1570-1999, M 1565-1987, B 1565-1988 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1570-1897, M 1565-1959, B 1565-1979 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib, LDS
  • Mf BT 1696-1826 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1570-1812, BT 1813-1826; M 1565-1840
  • See also Cropredy regs.


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL02 C 1660-1970, M 1682-1923, B 1682-1952
  • PR (OHC) C 1660-1925, 1970, M 1682-1923, Banns 1756-1806, 1823-1926, B 1682-1931, 1952
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1721-9, 1731, 1733, 1735-45, 1747-52, 1755-8, 1760, 1762-3, 1766, 1768-75, 1782, 1784, 1786-1802, 1804-52, 1854-78
  • TS C 1660-1925, 1970, M 1682-1923, B 1682-1931, 1952 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1682-1812
  • MI 1911 (MS) SoG
  • See also Stoke Row regs.


  • St. Paul
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapel of ease to Banbury St. Mary - see entry under BANBURY ST. PAUL.


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 8B
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1641-1853, M 1654-1836, B 1653-1883
  • PR (OHC) C 1641-1966, M 1654-1970, Banns 1754-1812, 1818-1963, B 1653-1883 [gap M 1726-1743]; (Inc) B 1969+ [B 1883-1969 missing?]
  • BT (OHC) 1662, 1665-74, 1676-9, 1682-4, 1686-7, 1689-93, 1697-1701, 1703-4, 1710-24, 1742-3, 1747-50, 1752-5, 1757-8, 1760-1874
  • TS C 1641-1853, M 1654-1836, B 1653-1883 (indexed) OHC,SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1911 (MS) SoG


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 7D
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • nr. Wallingford . Peculiar of Monks Risborough (Buckinghamshire) until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1572-1869, M 1572-1869, B 1572-1869
  • PR (OHC) C 1572-1869, M 1572-1977, Banns 1754-1854, 1865-1970, B 1572-1934; (Inc) C 1870+
  • BT (Berkshire RO) 1604-1723; (CBS) 1736-1828; (OHC) 1813-91
  • TS CMB 1572-1869 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See also entry under BRITWELL PRIOR


  • St. Peter ad Vincula
  • Map square 4I
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • nr. Banbury
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1538-1989, M 1538-1975, B 1538-1925
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1870, M 1538-1980, Banns 1754-1817, 1823-1932, B 1538-1925; (Inc) C 1871+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-9, 1731-65, 1767-94, 1796-1862, 1864-77
  • TS C 1538-1989, M 1538-1975, B 1538-1925 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1538-1812 OHC, LDS
  • IGI M 1538-1840


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7C
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of North Stoke until 1907, when united with Crowmarsh Gifford to become Crowmarsh Gifford with Newnham Murren ; in archdeaconry of Berkshire.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1685-1957, M 1685-1935, B 1678-1992
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1685-1957, M 1685-1935, Banns 1756-1812, 1823-30, 1888-1921 (with Crowmarsh Gifford), B 1678-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, 1727, 1740-58, 1760-78, 1780-8, 1790-4, 1796-7, 1799-1812, 1814-6, 1818-29, 1851
  • TS C 1685-1957, M 1685-1935, B 1678-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf (1) C 1685-1957, M 1685-1812, 1837-1935, B 1678-1992 BRO;
    • (2) C 1685-1812, M 1685-1837, B 1678-1812 OHC*;
    • (3) C 1685-1957, M 1685-1837, B 1678-1992 LDS
  • IGI C 1685-1812, M 1685-1840
  • MI 1911 (MS) SoG
  • See also North Stoke and Stoke Row regs.


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 7H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1539-1996, M 1538-1994, B 1539-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1540-1990, M 1538-1965, Banns 1755-99, 1841-97, B 1540-1993; (Inc) Banns 1898+
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721, 1723-6, 1728-33, 1735-56, 1758-67, 1769-94, 1796-8, 1800-1, 1803-82
  • TS (1) C 1539-1996, M 1538-1994, B 1539-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1540-1694, M 1538-1692, B 1540-1681 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS;
    • (3) C 1694-1860, M 1695-1860, B 1681-1860 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT M 1700, 1721-1837


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 6F
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1574-1976, M 1575-1955, B 1574-1976
  • PR (OHC) C 1574-1812, M 1575-1955, Banns 1754-1957, B 1574-1812; (Inc Islip) CB 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729, 1731, 1733-4, 1737, 1739-40, 1742-71, 1778, 1787, 1791-1871
  • TS CB 1574-1976, M 1575-1955 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc, #
  • Mf CB 1574-1812, M 1575-1955 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1574-1812, M 1575-1883
  • MI OCL?, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 4F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1572-1966, M 1572-1948, B 1573-1950
  • PR (OHC) C 1572-1966, M 1572-1948, Banns 1824-1957, B 1572-1950 [gaps CMB 1662-1671]
  • BT (OHC) 1684-5, 1721-33, 1735-7, 1739-48, 1750-1856, 1866-84
  • TS (1) C 1572-1898, M 1572-1948, B 1572-1950 (indexed) OHC*, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Northleigh Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1898-1966 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Northleigh Lib, Inc, #


  • St. Denys
  • Map square 4E
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1653-1899, M 1654-1840, B 1653-1899
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1905, M 1654-1840, Banns 1754-1812, 1827-1953, B 1653-1964; (Inc) C 1905+, M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1720-1, 1723-33, 1735-56, 1759-69, 1771-6, 1778-92, 1794-1811, 1814-17, 1828-30, 1832-7, 1843-54
  • Ptd M 1654-1837 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS CB 1653-1899, M 1654-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1654-1791 OHC
  • IGI M 1654-1837


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 7C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1570-1853, M 1571-1837, B 1571-1852
  • PR (OHC) C 1570-2011, M 1570-1837, B 1570-2011; (Inc) M 1837+, Banns 1756+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684-5, 1690, 1721-6, 1728-33, 1735-44, 1746-8, 1751-2, 1754-6, 1759, 1761-9, 1772-6, 1778-82, 1784-1815, 1817-8, 1820-2, 1824, 1832-64
  • TS C 1570-1853, M 1571-1837, B 1571-1852 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1911 SoG


  • All Saints
  • Map square 6D
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB02 C 1715-1971, M 1717-1836, B 1715-1840
  • PR (OHC) C 1715-1971, M 1717-1970, Banns 1764-84, 1792-1960, B 1715-2011 [closed on union of benefice with Marsh Baldon and Toot Baldon],
  • BT (OHC) 1721-4, 1727, 1729-32, 1737, 1744, 1747-8, 1750, 1753-4, 1756-62, 1764-73, 1775-6, 1779-83, 1785, 1788-95, 1797-9, 1801-8, 1810-74
  • TS CB 1715-1840, M 1717-1836 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Abingdon Lib, Inc, #


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 6F
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1571-1977, M 1572-1969, B 1572-1977
  • PR (OHC) C 1571-1812, M 1572-1969, Banns 1755-1817, 1858-75, B 1571-1812; (Inc Charlton on Otmoor) CB 1813+, Banns 1950+
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721-30, 1732, 1735-41, 1743-1801, 1803-65, 1867-87, 1889
  • TS CB 1571-1977, M 1572-1969 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #

Overthorpe and Warkworth, R.C.

  • Reg(BDRO) C 1771-1827
  • Ptd C 1771-1812 Banbury Hist. Soc. 16


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 7G
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1654-1962, M 1654-1989, B 1654-1947
  • PR (OHC) C 1654-1962, M 1654-1991 [M 1818-21 damaged; gap 1822-1831], Banns 1754-1808, 1823-1972, B 1654-1947
  • BT (OHC) 1678-80, 1684, 1721-30, 1732-3, 1735-50, 1752-84, 1786-1801, 1803-65
  • TS (1) C 1654-1962, M 1654-1989, B 1654-1947 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1654-1872, M 1654-1837, B 1654-1947 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf C 1813-1872, M 1754-1837, B 1813-1947 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1813-1872, BT M 1684, 1702-1837


  • Dedication unknown
  • Map square 8C
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1666-1889, M 1667-1836, B 1666-1938
  • PR (OHC) C 1763-1889, M 1783-1971, Banns 1824-1904, B 1763-1938 (1763-83, 1812 on loose paper - Acc. 5204); (Inc) C 1889+
  • BT (OHC) 1663-83, 1712, 1715-21, 1724, 1742, 1744, 1762-4, 1766-75, 1777-1857, 1859, 1861-2
  • TS (1) C 1666-1889, M 1667-1836, B 1666-1938 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1784-1889, M 1784-1971, B 1783-1938 OHC*, LDS


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7D
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1597-1887, M 1568-1952, B 1570-1935
  • PR (OHC) C 1597-1988, M 1568-2002, Banns 1823-1963, B 1570-1988
  • BT (OHC) 1721-30, 1732, 1735-43, 1747-8, 1750-1, 1753-62, 1764-85, 1787-1877
  • Ptd M 1568-1836 Phillimore Oxon 1
  • TS C 1597-1840, M 1568-1836, B 1570-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1603-1887, M 1603-1952, B 1603-1932 LDS
  • IGI M 1568-1812
  • MI 1986 OHC, SoG, OCL?, LDS, #


  • St. James
  • Map square 3F
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Shipton under Wychwood until 1843.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1842-1920, M 1854-1920, B 1842-1920
  • PR (OHC) C 1842-1898, M 1854-1975, B 1842-2009; (Inc) Banns 1854+
  • BT (OHC) 1851-3, 1855-65 (1856, 1861-2, 1864-5 damaged)
  • TS C 1842-1920, M 1854-1920, B 1842-1920 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See Shipton under Wychwood regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 9B
  • Beynhurst Hundred, Berkshire
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • Situated in Berkshire, but in Oxford archdeaconry since 1974.
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1697-1948, M 1697-1963, Banns 1754-1927, B 1697-1909
  • BT (WSRO) 1605-7, 1612, 1628, 1631, 1634, 1668-85, 1688-1703, 1708, 1713-59, 1761-1833; (OHC) post 1836 damaged returns
  • TS BT CMB 1605-34, 1668-1697,
  • PR C 1697-1948, M 1697-1963, B 1697-1990 (indexed) BRO, SoG, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc
  • Mf (1) C 1697-1948, M 1697-1963, B 1697-1909 BRO, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1605-34, 1668-1833 LDS
  • IGI C 1697-1789, M 1698-1758
  • MI 1924 (MS) RCL


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 3I
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • PR (OHC) C 1560-1887, M 1561-1837, Banns 1823-1928, B 1560-1935; (Inc Hook Norton) C 1887+, M 1838+
  • BT (OHC) 1667-9, 1722-6, 1729-36, 1738-86, 1793, 1796-7, 1799-1800, 1802-3, 1805-53, 1855-65
  • TS (1) C 1560-1887, M 1561-1837, Banns 1823-1928, B 1560-1935 (with sectional indexes) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1887-1984, M 1838-1978, Banns 1928-84 (with sectional indexes, plus master index to
  • TS (1) + (2)) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI BT M 1668-9, 1722-1837


  • St. Phillip
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • PR (OHC) C 1776-2002, M 1754-1972, Banns 1827-1924, B 1783-1812 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.], 1814-2009
  • BT (OHC) 1721-30, 1735-6, 1740-1, 1743-4, 1750-2, 1754-7, 1759-60, 1768-71, 1774-76, 1783, 1791-2, 1796-7, 1801, 1804-5, 1807, 1810, 1812-53, 1871-5
  • TS (1) C 1721-1998 , M 1721-1996 , B 1721-1999 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1721-1985, M 1721-1972, B 1721-1984 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT M 1721-1829


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1591-1848, M 1592-1837, B 1592-1901
  • PR (OHC) C 1591-1848, M 1591-1837, Banns 1783-1869, B 1592-1901; (Inc) C 1849+, M 1837+, Banns 1871+, B 1901+
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1684, 1699, 1721-5, 1727-33, 1735-43, 1745-67, 1769-72, 1774-1807, 1810-59
  • TS C 1591-1848, M 1591-1837, B 1592-1901 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • See also Henley Holy Trinity and Highmore regs.


  • Holy Trinity - see under HENLEY Holy Trinity

Rotherfield Greys, Independent/Congregational

  • now Henley Christchurch URC
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1719-1937, M —, B 1685-1837
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1719-1837, B 1685-1837; (OHC) ZC 1742-47, 1815
  • TS (1) ZC 1719-1837, B 1685-1837 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL? (2 versions); TNA, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) ZC 1840-1937 (Henley Arch. & Hist. Soc.) Henley Lib
  • Mf ZC 1719-1837, B 1685-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1719-1837
  • MI 1861 OCL?
  • See also Henley, URC (Christchurch)


  • All Saints
  • Map square 8B
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1571-1957, M 1572-1964, B 1572-1931
  • PR (OHC) C 1571-1972, M 1572-1971, Banns 1754-1811, 1929-71, B 1572-1931 [gaps C 1623-35, M 1623-35, 1661-5, 1669-73, B 1623-35, 1661-5]
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1670, 1684, 1690, 1722-6, 1728-33, 1735-69, 1770-1838, 1840-54
  • TS (1) C 1571-1957, M 1572-1964, M 1572-1931 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1571-1839, M 1572-1837, B 1572-1839 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc

Rotherfield Peppard, Congregational

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1797-1877, M —, B —
  • TS C 1797-1877 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, #


  • St. Leonard and St. James
  • Map square 5G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1543-1978, M 1543-1978, B 1543-1978
  • PR (OHC) C 1543-1812, M 1543-1936, Banns 1754-1812, 1961-76, B 1543-1812 [gaps CMB 1575-98]; (Inc) CB 1813+, Banns 1823+
  • BT (OHC) 1678-9, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1730-1, 1735-59, 1763-1810, 1813-53, 1855-61, 1863-5, 1867-77
  • TS CMB 1543-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 2H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1669-1967, M 1669-1978, B 1689-1949
  • PR (OHC) C 1756-1971, M 1754-2009, Banns 1823-2008, B 1756-1949 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1680, 1719-20, 1722-8, 1735, 1737-58, 1760-85, 1787-1865
  • TS C 1669-1967, M 1669-1978, B 1669-1949 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1982 OHC, OCL?, LDS, #
  • See also Chipping Norton regs.


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 6E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB01 C 1573-1984, M 1572-1978, B 1573-1961
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1573-1984, M 1572-1978, B 1573-1961
  • PR (OHC) C 1573-1888, M 1572-1978, Banns 1754-1904, B 1573-1961; (Inc) C 1888+
  • BT (OHC) 1771-2, 1776, 1780, 1782-4, 1785-1800, 1802-65
  • TS C 1573-1984, M 1572-1978, B 1573-1961 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Abingdon Lib, Littlemore Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1573-1888, M 1572-1753, Banns 1833- 1904, B 1573-1961 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1573-1875, M 1572-1885


  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1695-1998, M 1695-1998, B 1695-1998
  • PR (OHC) C 1695-1980, M 1695-1967, Banns 1754-1812, 1824-1994, B 1695-1902; (Inc) B 1902+
  • BT (OHC) 1738-40, 1742-4, 1746-50, 1752-65, 1767-1879, 1881, 1883
  • TS (1) CMB 1695-1998 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1695-1861, M 1695-1841 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • IGI BT M 1738-1837
  • MI (1) 1983 SoG;
    • (2) 1998 OCL?, Banbury Lib, #


  • St. Mary - see under OXFORD, BAYSWATER; see also Headington and Forest Hill


  • St. James
  • Map square 2G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • United with Churchill, 1851, to become Sarsden with Churchill .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1575-1982, M 1577-1978, B 1575-1869
  • PR (OHC) C 1575-1992, M 1577-1978, Banns 1755-1810, 1867-1989, B 1579-1869 [N.B. All B entries in Churchill regs. after 1869]
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1720-7, 1729-34, 1738-40, 1743-5, 1748-9, 1753-61 (1762 with Cornwell returns), 1763, 1765, 1767-74, 1776, 1779, 1781-7, 1789-94, 1797-1805, 1807-52, 1854-9, 1867-71, 1873-8, 1880-6 (1813-86 with Churchill returns) [1731-2, 1738, 1749, 1761, 1801 returns include Churchill entries]
  • TS (1) C 1575-1982, M 1577-1978, B 1575-1869 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CM 1575-1919, B 1575-1869 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • Mf CMB 1575-1719 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI M 1577-1840
  • See also Churchill regs.


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 4J
  • Tewkesbury Hundred, Gloucestershire, later [1844] Bloxham Hundred, Oxon
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • In the diocese of Gloucester, 1541-1837, Worcester, 1837-1900, and Oxford since 1900. United with Alkerton, 1900, to become Shenington and Alkerton .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1613-1999, M 1613-1990, B 1613-2000
  • PR [early registers destroyed by fire, 1720] (OHC) C 1721-1873, M 1726-1978, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-89, B 1721-1926; (Inc) C 1873+, Banns (incl. Alkerton) 1889+
  • BT (Gloucestershire RO) 1578, 1613, 1616-8, 1620, 1628-9, 1632, 1637-8, 1660, 1663, 1667, 1670, 1673, 1675-1719, 1722-60, 1762-1802, 1805-36 [none at OHC or Worcestershire RO]
  • TS (1) BT CMB 1613-1720; PR C 1721-1999, M 1726-1990, B 1721-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) BT CMB 1613-1720; PR C 1721-1873, M 1726-1978, B 1721-1926 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • Mf BT 1578-1812 LDS
  • IGI BT C 1578-1812 [in Gloucestershire index]


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Bampton until 1845, when united with Bampton Aston to become Bampton Aston with Shifford .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1721-1969, M 1721-1964, B 1721-1969
  • PR [early registers destroyed by damp] (OHC) C 1783-1998, M 1786-1996, Banns 1785-1811, 1823-1887, B 1783-1997
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, 1733, 1735, 1739-40, 1742-43, 1745-7, 1813-55
  • TS CMB 1721-47, 1783-1969 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • MI OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/1-2)
  • See also Bampton (and Bampton Aston after 1845) regs.


  • Holy Rood
  • Map square 2F
  • part Faringdon Hundred, Berkshire, part Bampton Hundred, Oxon [entirely Oxon after 1844]
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT04 C 1672-2003, M 1672-2003, B 1664-2002
  • PR (OHC) C 1662-1928, M 1672-1849, Banns 1827-1973, B 1664-1812 [gap M 1681-1700]; (Inc) M 1837+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-9, 1731, 1735-6, 1740-57, 1759-65, 1767-70, 1772-1877
  • TS (1) C 1662-1850, M 1672-1849, B 1664-1864 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1813-2003, M 1837-2003, B 1813-2002 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1662-1812 OHC


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 8A
  • Binfield Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1639-1979, M 1639-1997, B 1639-1953
  • PR (OHC) C 1672-1979, M 1644-1950[gap 1653-73], 1967-2003, Banns 1755-1823, 1829-1975, B 1674-1953; (Inc) Banns 1909+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1716-7, 1721-33, 1735-72, 1774, 1776-95, 1799-1901
  • TS (1) C 1639, 1672-1840, M 1639, 1644-53, 1674-1839, B 1639, 1674-1850 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, BRO, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1979, M 1837-1950, 1974-97, B 1838-1953 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (3) M 1644-1653 CBS
  • MI 1975/2005 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See also Kidmore End regs.


  • Holy Cross
  • Map square 5G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1653-1964, M 1654-1993, B 1653-2004
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1964, M 1654-1993, Banns 1760-1835, 1859-1967, B 1653-1812; (Inc) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1757-9, 1761, 1767-8, 1773-6, 1778-80, 1787-8, 1790, 1792-3, 1795-8, 1800-1, 1803-5, 1813-65
  • TS C 1653-1838, M 1654-1836, B 1653-1841 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 2G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1538-1993, M 1538-1997, B 1538-2001
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1993, M 1538-1997, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-34, 1848-1980, B 1538-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1721-7, 1728-32, 1734-1853, 1855-71, 1875-7, 1899-1902
  • TS (1) CMB 1538-1899 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Wychwood Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1899-1993, M 1900-1997 B 1900-2001 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, SoG, Inc, #;
    • (3) Index CMB 1538-1919 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1538-1840
  • See also Ascott under Wychwood, Leafield, Milton under Wychwood and Ramsden regs.


  • All Saints
  • Map square 8D
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1587-1980, M 1590-1980, B 1598-1975
  • PR (Bodleian Lib) C 1587-1780, M 1590-1753, B 1598-1780 (ref. MSS. Top. Oxon. b.46, c.142); (OHC) C 1781-1912, M 1754-1993, Banns 1824-1972, B 1781-1812; (Inc Shirburn Castle) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1678, 1718, 1725-30, 1736-40, 1744, 1746-50, 1752-65, 1767-85, 1787-92, 1795-1805, 1807-77
  • TS (1) C 1587-1980, M 1590-1980, B 1598-1975 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1587-1780, M 1590-1753, B 1598-1780 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1590-1753


  • All Saints
  • Map square 3G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Charlbury.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN03 C 1646-1965, M 1656-1998, B 1670-1964
  • PR (OHC) C 1646-1865, M 1656-2012, Banns 1754-1813, 1824-97, B 1773-1964; (Inc Charlbury) C 1865+, Banns 1897+,
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1685, 1721-6 (1722, 1724 with Chadlington returns), 1736, 1739-40, 1743-6, 1748-92, 1794-5, 1800, 1802-5, 1807-8, 1811, 1813-37, 1851
  • TS (1) C 1646-1965 , M 1656-1998 , B 1670-1, 1773-1964 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1646-1836, M 1656-1836, B 1670-1, 1773-1836 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Witney Lib;
    • (3) C BT 1851; 1881-1980 (extracts from Chipping Norton DeaneryMag.), M 1838-1934, B 1813-1964 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Witney Lib
  • See also Charlbury regs.


  • St. Martin
  • Map square 4J
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Swalcliffe until 1968.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1698-1875, M 1702-1978, B 1699-1921
  • PR (OHC) C 1698-1875, M 1702-1978[gap 1740-54], Banns 1756-62, 1822-93, B 1699-1921; (Inc) C 1877+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-2, 1724-6, 1737-40, 1742-51, 1757-9, 1761-5, 1767-91, 1793-9, 1801-66
  • TS (1) C 1698-1875, M 1702-1978, B 1699-1921 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1698-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Mus, LDS
  • Mf CMB 1698-1812 OHC
  • IGI M 1702-1840
  • See also Swalcliffe regs.


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 3I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • In peculiar jurisdiction until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1840-1973, M 1841-1976, B 1840-1918
  • PR (OHC) C 1840-1973, M 1841-1976, Banns 1841-1970, B 1840-1918
  • BT (OHC) 1840-66, 1873-4
  • TS C 1840-1973, M 1841-1976, B 1840-1918 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • See Swalcliffe and Epwell regs. for earlier entries

Sibford Gower, Methodist

  • MI 1978 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Abingdon Lib, LDS, #

Sibford Gower, Society of Friends, Monthly Meeting

  • Reg (OHC) Z 1685-1784, B 1689-1773
  • BT (OHC) B 1865-86, 1888-97


  • St. James
  • Map square 5H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1660-1979, M 1661-1979, B 1627-1979
  • PR (OHC) C 1660-1892, M 1661-1836, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1917, B 1627-47, 1661-1949; (Inc) C 1892+, M 1838+
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721-33, 1735-65, 1767-73, 1779, 1781-4, 1786-90, 1799-1819, 1821, 1823-66, 1874
  • TS CM 1660-1979, B 1627-47, 1661-1979 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI BT M 1722-1837


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 8A
  • part Sonning Hundred, Berkshire, part [liberty of Eye and Dunsden] Binfield Hundred, Oxon, part [liberty of Earley] Charlton Hundred, Berkshire
  • Wokingham Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dean of Sarum until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1592-1836, M 1592-1837, B 1592-1846
  • PR (Berkshire RO) C 1592-1925, M 1592-1947, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1964, B 1592-1906
  • BT (WSRO) 1592-4, 1600-3, 1607-10, 1613-42, 1660-3, 1668-74, 1677-1835; (OHC) 1836-1884
  • TS (1) C 1592-1836, M 1592-1837, B 1592-1846 (indexed) OHC, SoG, BRO, WSRO, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, RCL, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1592-1812 (MS) RCL
  • Mf (1) C 1592-1925, M 1592-1947, B 1592-1906 BRO, LDS;
    • (2) BT 1592-1642, 1660-1835 LDS N. Berkshire M Index 1592-1851 see INTRO
  • See also Dunsden, Earley (Berkshire) and Kidmore End regs.


  • Christ the King
  • Map square 8A
  • district church to Kidmore End
  • PR [C in Kidmore End regs.] (Inc) M 1968+[No B regs.]
  • See Kidmore End regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1668-1934, M 1668-1840, B 1669-1965
  • PR (OHC) C 1668-1934, M 1668-1840[gap 1673-90], Banns 1754-1888, B 1669-1965; (Inc) M 1837+, Banns 1888+
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1721-9, 1735-65, 1767-71, 1780, 1783, 1804, 1807-19, 1821-79
  • TS (1) C 1668-1934, M 1668-1840, B 1669-1965 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Bicester Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1668-1812, M 1668-1840 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf C 1668-1851, M 1668-1840, B 1669-1851 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1668-1851, M 1668-1840
  • See also Hardwick (with Tusmore) regs.


  • St. James
  • Map square 4E
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Stanton Harcourt until 1868.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1612-1974, M 1612-1970, B 1612-1974
  • PR (OHC) C 1612-1994, M 1612-1970, 1986-2006, Banns 1755-1810, 1824-85, B 1612-1812 [gap M 1664-94]; (Inc) Banns 1885+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-5, 1727-9, 1731-2, 1735-94, 1796-7, 1799, 1801-54, 1856-64
  • TS CB 1612-1974, M 1612-1970 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 2006 SoG,OCL?, Inc, CD/#
  • See also Stanton Harcourt regs.


  • All Saints
  • Map square 3G
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN01 C 1541-1938, M 1541-1934, B 1541-1892
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1938, M 1540-1999, Banns 1754-1816, 1829-1993, B 1539-1892; (Inc) M 1837+, Banns 1893+, B 1892+
  • BT (OHC) 1669-70, 1681, 1720-4, 1726-7, 1734, 1741-2, 1744-51, 1753, 1755-65, 1767-1856, 1864-6
  • TS C 1541-1938, M 1541-1934, B 1541-1892 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 7D
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Abingdon Poor Law Union
  • With Chislehampton until 1761 and re-united 1841, but retaining separate regs. Peculiar of Dorchester until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-AB03 C 1567-1896, M 1569-1941, B 1571-1945
  • PR (OHC) C 1567-1886, M 1569-1983[gaps 1656-1726], Banns 1823-1885, B 1571-1977; (Inc) C 1886+
  • BT (OHC) 1662-3, 1667-87, 1691-4, 1698, 1711-5, 1717-38, 1743-6, 1760-1, 1771-9, 1781-94, 1796, 1798-1807, 1811-3, 1820-1, 1831, 1833
  • TS (1) C 1567-1840, M 1569-1837, B 1571-1841 [with Chislehampton] (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc;
    • (2) C 1841-86 M 1839-1941, B 1841-1945 (MS) OHC
  • IGI M 1569-1812
  • See also Chislehampton regs.


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 4E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1559-1959, M 1559-1969, B 1559-1959
  • PR (OHC) C 1559-1961, M 1559-1844, Banns 1754-1807, 1871-1987, B 1559-1954; (Inc) M 1837+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-33, 1735-7, 1739-57, 1761-71, 1777-81, 1783, 1787, 1789-91, 1795, 1798, 1801-10, 1813-6, 1818-20, 1822-65, 1868-74
  • Ptd M 1559-1837 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS CMB 1559-1959 (indexed) OHC*, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1559-1812 OHC
  • IGI M 1559-1837


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 4E
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1566-1985, M 1570-1969, B 1569-1970
  • PR (OHC) C 1567-1985, M 1570-1969, Banns 1754-1811, B 1569-1970 [gaps C 1586-1601, 1612-54, 1679-87, M 1585-1602, 1611-54, 1674-85, 1713-20, B 1586-1601, 1612-54]
  • BT (OHC) 1721-33, 1735-92, 1794-1800, 1805, 1813-92, 1896-8, 1900 (1848-1900 damaged by damp)
  • Ptd M 1570-1837 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS (1) C 1567-1985, M 1570-1969, B 1569-1970 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) Index CMB 1567-1909 (MS) Bodleian Lib
  • Mf CMB 1567-1783 OHC
  • IGI M 1570-1837
  • See also Southleigh regs.


  • Map square 6F
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED03 C 1654-1960, M 1654-1987, B 1654-1992
  • PR (OHC) C 1654-1960, M 1654-1987, Banns 1764-1814, 1823-1963, B 1654-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1738, 1742-64, 1767-1802, 1804-33, 1840
  • TS (1) CB 1654-1841, M 1654-1848 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1813-1960, M 1837-1977, B 1873-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1660-1837
  • MI (1) OHC (Misc. Hamish 11);
    • (2) 1998 OCL?, #


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 5H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1543-2004, M 1538-2004, B 1538-2004
  • PR (OHC) C 1543-1963, M 1538-1978, Banns 1754-1812, B 1538-1995; (Inc) Banns 1823+
  • BT (OHC) 1721, 1723-31, 1736, 1738-43, 1747-51, 1753-64, 1766-1880
  • TS (1) C 1543-2004, MB 1538-2004 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1543-1857, M 1538-1837 (BT 1754-1812), B 1538-1878 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc;
    • (3) M 1754-1812 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc
  • Mf BT 1721-1859 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1813-1859, M 1721-1837
  • MI 1991 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 5H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1678-1995, M 1695-1995, B 1678-1995
  • PR (OHC) C 1678-1854, M 1695-1943, Banns 1823-1990, B 1678-1929; (Inc Westcote Barton) C 1854+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1730-1, 1733-4, 1736-93, 1795-1807, 1809-11, 1813-67
  • TS (1) C 1678-1995, M 1695-1995, B 1678-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1678-1853, M 1695-1837, B 1678-1868 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • Mf BT 1721-1852 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1721-1852, M 1725-1836
  • MI 1991 OHC, OCL?, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 7B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1639-1982, M 1639-1994, B 1639-1983
  • PR (OHC) C 1740-1812, M 1744-1835 [1754-1812 missing], 1980-94, B 1740-1812 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]; (Inc) CB 1813+, M 1837+, Banns 1885+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1721-31, 1740, 1742-55, 1758-97, 1799, 1801-6, 1808-18, 1820, 1827, 1851
  • TS C 1639, 1721-1982, M 1639, 1725-1981, B 1639, 1721-1981 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
  • IGI BT M 1744-1837
  • MI 1911 SoG
  • See also Ipsden, Newnham Murren and Stoke Row regs.


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 7B
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1557-1941, M 1577-1978, B 1552-1903
  • PR (OHC) C 1577-1941, M 1577-2010, Banns 1823-1950, B 1552-1903
  • BT (OHC) 1639-40, 1684-5, 1721-5, 1740-1, 1743, 1746-8, 1751-3, 1755-8, 1760-5, 1771-85, 1787-1854, 1857-77 (1791 return includes Woodcote entries)
  • TS C 1577-1941, M 1577-1978, B 1552-1903 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1911 SoG
  • See also Woodcote regs.


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 6H
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC02 C 1665-1997, M 1665-1997, B 1665-1997
  • PR (OHC) C 1665-20112, M 1666-1998, Banns 1823-1948, B1665-1900; (Inc) C 1862+, B 1900+
  • BT (OHC) 1700, 1718, 1721-34, 1736-8, 1759-65, 1767-75, 1770-1801, 1803-65
  • TS (1) CMB 1665-1997 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1665-1862, M 1666-1837, B 1665-1900 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS
  • Mf C 1665-1862, M 1666-1837, B 1665-1900 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1665-1862, M 1666-1837
  • See also (Ardley with) Fewcott regs.


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 8B
  • Langtree Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • District church to Ipsden St. Mary until ecclesiastical parish created, 1849; liberty in Ipsden parish.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1846-1918, M, B
  • PR (OHC) C 1846-1918, Banns 1850-1927; (Inc) M 1849+, B 1846+
  • BT none
  • See Ipsden, Mongewell and Newnham Murren regs. for earlier entries

Stoke Row, Independent

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1818-1833, M —, B —
  • Reg (TNA) ZC 1818-1833
  • TS ZC 1818-1833 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1818-1833 LDS
  • IGI C 1818-1833


  • St. Mary Magdalen
  • Map square 8D
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1670-1980, M 1721-1973, B 1670-1981
  • PR (OHC) C 1764-1995, M 1754-1973, Banns 1824-1997, B 1764-1998 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1721-4, 1727, 1730, 1733, 1736-49, 1750-56, 1758-71, 1773-96, 1798-1803, 1806-11, 1813-66
  • TS CB 1670, 1721-1981, M 1721-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
  • MI 1997 OCL?, #


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 9D
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Wycombe Poor Law Union
  • Transferred to Buckinghamshire, 1896; chapelry of Aston Rowant until 1844 and remained in Oxford archdeaconry until 1973.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO03 C 1707-1938, M 1707-1846, B 1707-1935
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1707-1938, M 1707-1846, B 1707-1934
  • PR (CBS) C 1707-1978, M 1707-1991, B 1707-1995, Banns 1795-1992, 1873-1981
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1678, 1714, 1721-33, 1735-59, 1762-1804, 1806-72
  • TS (1) CMB 1707-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, CBS, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1837-1938, M 1837-1846, B 1837-1934 (indexed) OHC, SoG, CBS, OCL?, Inc,#
  • Mf C 1707-1938, M 1707-1929, B 1707-1934 CBS
  • MI 1986 OHC, OCL?, CBS, #
  • See Aston Rowant regs. for earlier entries; see also Cadmore End regs.

Stokenchurch, Independent

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1812-1837, M —, B —
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1812-1837
  • TS ZC 1812-1837 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, CBS, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf C 1830-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1830-1837


  • St. James the Great
  • Map square 4G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1571-1855, M 1571-1837, B 1571-1878
  • PR (OHC) C 1571-1855, M 1571-1837, Banns 1754-1823, B 1571-1878; (Inc) C 1856+, M 1837+, Banns 1873+, B 1878+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-33, 1736-40, 1742-84, 1791-1800, 1804, 1806, 1808-9, 1811, 1813-65, 1867-9, 1871-7 (1851-77 damaged)
  • TS C 1571-1855, M 1571-1837, B 1571-1878 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Stonesfield Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1994 OCL?

Stonor, R.C.

  • Map square 8C
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1758-1840, M 1759-1837, B 1758-1839
  • Reg(TNA) C 1758-1840, M 1759-88, 1795-1837, D 1758-1839
  • TS C 1758-1840, M 1759-1837, D 1758-1839 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib,OCL?, TNA, BucksRO, Henley Lib,#
  • Mf C 1758-1840, M 1759-1837, D 1758-1839 LDS
  • IGI C 1758-1840, M 1759-1837

Stow-on-the-Wold Methodist Circuit

  • Reg (OHC) M 1983-2007


  • St. Mary and St. Edburga
  • Map square 7H
  • part Buckingham Hundred, Buckinghamshire, part Ploughley Hundred, Oxon [entirely Oxon after 1844]
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC03 C 1696-1997, M 1672-1995, B 1592-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1696-1998, M 1696-2008 [N.B. M 1754-1812 too damaged by damp for consultation], Banns 1757-1811 [damaged], 1825-1970, B 1697-1952
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1685, 1700, 1718, 1721-4, 1726-8, 1730-3, 1735, 1737-94, 1796- 1877 (1843-77 damaged by damp)
  • TS (1) C 1696-1997, M 1672/3, 1696-1995 (includes M 1754-1812, now unavailable), B 1592, 1697-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1696-1874, M 1696-1841 [N.B.
  • BT M 1754-1812], B 1697-1952 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS
  • Mf C 1696-1874, M 1696-1751, 1813-41, B 1697-1950 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1696-1874, M 1696-1841

Sulgrave Wesleyan

  • Reg (OHC) C 1872-1968


  • St. Michael and All Angels
  • Map square 5E
  • formerly St. John the Baptist
  • (Bullingdon Hundred; Headington Poor Law Union)
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1833-1979, M 1833-1993, B 1833-1925
  • PR (OHC) C 1833-1979, M 1833-2003, Banns 1950-69, B 1833-1925
  • BT (OHC) 1833-1866
  • TS C 1833-1911, M 1833-1902, B 1833-1925 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Summertown Lib, Inc, LDS, #
  • MI Disused burial ground, Middle Way 1822-1925 (Mf of orig at TNA)
  • See Oxford St. Giles regs. for earlier entries; see also Oxford St. Andrew and Oxford St. Margaret regs.

Summertown, Congregational

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1862-1925, M 1869-1925, B 1852-1922
  • Reg (OHC) CM 1852-1925 Sutton, Sutton Green - see Stanton Harcourt


  • St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Map square 4I
  • part Banbury Hundred, part [Sibford Ferris and Sibford Gower] Bloxham Hundred until 1866
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1558-1924, M 1567-1975, B 1577-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1924, M 1567-1975, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1992, B 1577-1993 [gaps C 1690-4, M 1680-94, B 1680-84, 1686-94]
  • BT (OHC) 1721-4, 1726-7, 1735, 1737-65, 1767-1827, 1829-55, 1864-71, 1874-7 (1763-1802, 1807 returns include Epwell entries)
  • TS (1) C 1558-1924, M 1567-1975, B 1577-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1558-1840, M 1567-1840, B 1577-1840 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Mus
  • IGI M 1567-1840
  • See also Shutford, Sibford and Epwell regs.


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 3H
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-CN02 C 1577-1985, M 1579-1978, B 1578-1943
  • PR (OHC) C 1577-1869, M 1579-1869, Banns 1755-1812, 1823-1903, B 1578-1943; (Inc) C 1869+
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1722-8, 1730-4, 1736, 1738-43, 1745-59, 1761-5, 1767-1809, 1811-77
  • TS C 1577-1985, M 1579-1978, B 1578-1943 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI BT M 1670-1837


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 2F
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • United with Widford, 1859, to become Swinbrook with Widford .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1662-1974, M 1685-1975, B 1667-1976
  • PR (OHC) C 1662-1942, M 1685-1994, Banns 1756-70, 1823-1950, B 1684-1990
  • BT (OHC) 1667-9, 1721, 1723, 1728, 1738, 1740-5, 1749, 1751, 1753-4, 1756, 1759-65, 1767-75, 1777-97, 1799, 1802-3, 1805-6, 1808-72
  • Ptd M 1685-1837 Gen. Quart. 25, No. 2
  • TS C 1662-1974, M 1685-1975, B 1667-1976 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1662-1812 OHC
  • IGI M 1685-1837
  • See also Fifield and Idbury regs.


  • St. Botolph
  • Map square 8C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1573-1982, M 1568-1980, B 1569-1982
  • PR (OHC) C 1573-1982, M 1568-1989, Banns 1823-1975, B 1569-1992 [gaps C 1624-53 1730-57 incomplete), M 1624-50, 1730-53, B 1624-53, 1730-57]
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1678, 1685, 1690, 1721-3, 1725-6, 1728-30, 1758-65, 1767-77, 1789-91, 1794-7, 1799, 1801-67
  • TS C 1573-1982, M 1568-1980, B 1569-1982 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1568-1730


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 8E
  • Lewknor Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Thame until 1841; Peculiar of Thame until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1657-1980, M 1663-1981, B 1663-1999
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1657-1980, M 1663-1981, B 1663-1980
  • PR (OHC) C 1657-1889, M 1663-1837 [1837-1965 missing], 1965-89, Banns 1754-1812, B 1663-1972; (Inc) C 1889+, Banns 1823+
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1676-87, 1689-92, 1697-1710, 1712-23, 1733-4, 1736-1812, 1830-61
  • TS (1) C 1657-1980, M 1663-1981, B 1663-1980 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) BT CMB 1676-1734 SoG (MS), (Mf of MS) LDS;
    • (3) Banns 1823-1887 OHC, Bodleian Lib, OCL?
  • IGI BT M 1676-1734
  • MI OCL?, #
  • See also Thame regs.

Sydenham, Baptist

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1821-1837, M —, B —
  • Reg(TNA) ZD 1821-1837
  • TS ZD 1821-1837 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf ZD 1821-1837 LDS
  • IGI Z 1821-1837


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 5G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1568-2004, M 1559-1996, B 1560-2004
  • PR (OHC) C 1568-2002, M 1559-1996, Banns 1754-1870, B 1560-1887; (Inc) Banns 1945+, B 1887+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1684, 1722, 1724-30, 1732-3, 1735-57, 1759, 1763, 1765-7, 1769-94, 1796-1807, 1809-11, 1813-82, 1884-5, 1889
  • TS (1) C 1568-2004, M 1559-1996, B 1560-2004 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1568-1900, M 1559-1900, B 1560-1900 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc
  • MI OCL?, #


  • St. Nicholas
  • Map square 4I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1548-1993, M 1548-1976, B 1551-1993
  • PR (OHC) C 1548-2012, M 1548-1976, Banns 1755-2011, B 1551-1993[gaps 1691-8, 1714-23]
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1682, 1721-9, 1737-51, 1753-9, 1766-74, 1776-86, 1788-1860, 1862-4, 1868, 1871, 1874
  • TS (1) C 1548-1993, M 1548-1976, B 1551-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1548-1871, M 1548-1837, B 1551-1913 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • IGI M 1754-1837


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 2E
  • Chadlington Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1538-1903, M 1539-1976, B 1539-1996
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1903, M 1539-1976, Banns 1754-1812, 1824-1962, B 1539-1996 [gaps C 1692-1702, M 1691-1725, B 1686-1702]
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1682, 1721, 1723-33, 1735-1818, 1820-3, 1825-32, 1834-58, 1860-74
  • TS (1) C 1538-1903, M 1539-1976, B 1539-1996 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1538-1837 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • Mf CMB 1538-1812 OHC
  • IGI M 1539-1837


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 8D
  • Thame Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Thame until 1841; Peculiar of Thame until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1604-1999, M 1625-1979, B 1653-1999
  • PR (OHC) C 1604-1999, M 1625-1988, 1990-2007, Banns 1877-1928, B 1653-1999
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1670-1, 1673, 1675-87, 1689-90, 1719, 1733-4, 1736-8, 1742-1866
  • TS C 1604-1858, M 1625-1837, B 1653-1895 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • MI OCL?, #


  • St. Michael
  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • PR (OHC) C 1609-1945, M 1606-1975, Banns 1757-89, 1829-1971, B 1606-1888; (Inc) B 1889+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1721-35, 1737-90, 1792-1800, 1801-2, 1805-47, 1849-60, 1863-76
  • TS (1) C 1609-1840, M 1606-1837, B 1606-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1841-1945, M 1837- 1978, B 1841-1993 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1606-1756, BT 1754-1836
  • See also Little Tew and Nether Worton regs.


  • St. John the Evangelist
  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Chipping Norton Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Great Tew until 1855.
  • PR (OHC) M 1857-1976; (Inc) C 1856+, Banns 1859+, B 1857+
  • BT (OHC) 1859-66, 1880-7
  • TS C 1856-1994, M 1854-1976, B 1857-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • See Great Tew regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 8E
  • Thame Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Thame until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH01 C 1601-1930, M 1601-1930, B 1601-1987
  • PR (OHC) C 1601-1966, M 1601-1970, Banns 1856-1987, B 1601-1987 [gap CMB 1654-6]
  • BT (OHC) 1667-70, 1676-7, 1680-6, 1689-93, 1700-1, 1707-8, 1712-23, 1733-4, 1736-1825, 1827-72 (1820, 1825, 1827 damaged)
  • TS (1) C 1601-1855, M 1601-1837, B 1601-1841 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Thame Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1855-1930, M 1837-1930, B 1841-1936 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Thame Lib, Inc, #;
    • (3) B 1936-87 OHC;
    • (4) BT CB 1667-1714, M 1667-1723, 1733-4 (MS) SoG, (Mf of MS) LDS
  • IGI M 1601-1760
  • MI (1) 2001 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) 2001 OCL? Heritage CD;
    • (3) OHC (Misc. Chambers 1/7-8), SoG, OCL?, Thame Lib, #
  • See also Sydenham, Tetsworth and Towersey regs.

Thame, Baptist

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1826-1836, M —, B 1828-1836
  • Reg (OHC) Baptisms 1945-1970
  • Reg(TNA) Z 1826-1836, D 1828-1836
  • TS Z 1826-1836, D 1828-1836 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf Z 1826-1836, D 1828-1836 LDS
  • IGI Z 1826-1836

Thame, Congregational

  • Reg (OHC) CMB 1851-1948

Thame, Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) CMB 1977-83

Thame and Watlington, Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) Thame C 1892-1967
  • Ptd C 1838-1900 Eureka

Thame Registration District

  • Reg (OHC) M notice book 1837-1879
  • Ptd M notices, 1837-1879 Eureka


  • St. Catherine
  • Map square 8E
  • Ashendon Hundred, Buckinghamshire
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Thame until 1841; Peculiar of Thame until 1846; transferred from Buckinghamshire, 1933, but remained in Buckingham archdeaconry until 1973.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1581-1886, M 1592-1837, B 1592-1951
  • PR (OHC) C 1589-1932, M 1592-1978, Banns 1756-1812, 1889-1961, B 1592-1951 [N.B. CMB 1589-1756 defective]
  • BT (OHC) 1666, 1668, 1670, 1676, 1678-86, 1689, 1691, 1697-8, 1701-2, 1705, 1714-7, 1719, 1722, 1736-44, 1746-1814, 1845-62 [N.B. No BTs at CBS]
  • TS C 1589-1886, M 1592-1837, B 1592-1951 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, CBS, Inc, #
  • MI OCL?, #
  • See also Thame regs.

Tusmore Park, R.C.

  • Reg(BDRO) 1718-1795


  • St. Laurence
  • Map square 6C
  • Ewelme Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Peculiar of Dorchester until 1847.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1538-1957, M 1538-1974, B 1538-1970
  • PR (OHC) C 1538-1957, M 1538-1984, Banns 1754-1813, B 1538-1970 [1813-79 missing]; (Inc) Banns 1860+
  • BT (OHC) 1662-86, 1689-93, 1704, 1712-3, 1715-8, 1720-31, 1736-8, 1743-73, 1776-1829, 1837-71
  • TS (1) CMB 1538-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1837-1957, M 1838-1974, B 1841-1970 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #

Warborough, Society of Friends, Monthly Meeting (Reading and Warborough Monthly Meeting)

  • Reg(TNA) Z 1651-1835, M 1664-1836, B 1666-1835
  • BT (OHC) B 1865, 1871-2, 1874, 1876 Index ZMB 1651-1836 (MS) FH
  • Mf Z 1651-1835, M 1664-1836, B 1666-1835 LDS
  • MI OCL?, #
  • See also Berkshire and Oxfordshire Quarterly Meeting


  • St. Mary Magdalene
  • Map square 5J
  • Banbury Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Cropredy until 1851; Peculiar of Banbury until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN03 C 1572-1967, M 1571-1978, B 1566-1969
  • PR (OHC) C 1572-2011, M 1571-1993[gap 1636-47, 1670-9], Banns 1824-1921, B 1566-2012
  • BT (OHC) 1605, 1607-14, 1616-8, 1622, 1665-70, 1673, 1676-91, 1693-6, 1698-1704, 1706-1813, 1815-8, 1824-5, 1828, 1832-5, 1839, 1844-54, 1858-62
  • TS C 1572-1967, M 1571-1978, B 1566-1969 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, LDS, Inc, #
  • IGI C 1812-1813, M 1603-94, 1726-1840
  • See also Cropredy regs.

Wardington, Wesleyan Methodist

  • Reg (OHC) C 1896-1982
  • TS C 1896-1961 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #


  • (Private) Chapel
  • Map square 5F
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1827-1897, 1926-1969
  • PR (OHC) C 1827-97, 1926-69 (kept with Kidlington St. Mary regs.)
  • See Kidlington St. Mary regs. for all other entries [N.B. Water Eaton p. Bletchley, Buckinghamshire]


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 7E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1539-1979, M 1538-1978, B 1539-1987
  • PR (OHC) C 1539-1979, M 1538-1978, Banns 1754-1993, B 1539-1987
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1678, 1680, 1721-7, 1729-34, 1738-42, 1744-60, 1762-73, 1775-6, 1778-92, 1794-1802, 1805-56
  • TS (1) C 1539-1979, M 1538-1978, B 1539-1987 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1539-1839, M 1538-1837, B 1539-1842 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS
  • Mf CB 1539-1789, M 1538-1812 LDS
  • IGI C 1711-1789, M 1538-1812

Waterperry, R.C.

  • later [1793] Oxford St. Clement R.C.
  • Reg(The Society of Jesus, 114 Mount St., London W1Y 6AH) 1700+
  • Ptd C 1701-1834, M 1758, 1771, D 1700-1807 Catholic Rec. Soc. 7
  • IGI C 1701-1834, M 1758, 1771
  • See also entry under Oxford St. Clement, R.C.


  • St. Leonard
  • Map square 7E
  • Thame Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH03 C 1580-1977, M 1583-1974, B 1581-1991
  • PR (OHC) C 1580-1977, M 1583-1974, Banns 1824-1994, B 1581-1992
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1678, 1680, 1720, 1723, 1725-7, 1729-31, 1733-4, 1736-47, 1749-60, 1762-83, 1786-7, 1789-1809, 1811-51, 1856-94, 1896-7
  • TS (1) C 1580-1977, M 1583-1974, B 1581-1991 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1580-1838, M 1583-1849, B 1581-1838 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, LDS
  • IGI M 1583-1812


  • St. Leonard
  • Map square 8C
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Henley Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO02 C 1635-1928, M 1635-1924, B 1635-1960
  • PR (OHC) C 1635-1990, M 1635-2009, Banns 1755-64, 1777, 1784, 1823-1972, B 1635-1988 [gaps C 1732-48, M 1732-54, B 1729-47]
  • BT (OHC) 1678, 1682, 1684, 1721-3, 1725-6, 1728-30, 1737, 1739-45, 1748-83, 1787, 1789-92, 1794-1801, 1803-53
  • TS (1) C 1635-1842, M 1635-1837, B 1635-1857 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Watlington Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1842-1928, M 1837-1924, B 1857-1960 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CB 1635-1812, M 1635-1731 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1635-1812, M 1635-1731
  • See also entry under CHRISTMAS COMMON

Watlington, Wesleyan

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO04 C 1811-1837, M —, B 1835
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1811-1837, DB 1835; (OHC) C 1838-1895, 1900 (only); (Thame and Watlington) 1895-1959
  • TS ZC 1811-1837, DB 1835 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, TNA, CBS, Henley Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1824-1837
  • IGI C 1824-1837


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 6G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1579-1999, M 1598-2002, B 1599-2001
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED01 C 1579-1860, M 1598-1860, B 1598-1860
  • PR (OHC) C 1579-1963, M 1598-1978, Banns 1754-1902, 1925-6, B 1599-1812 [gaps C 1584-94, M 1641-76, 1737-54, B 1641-60]; (Inc) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1680, 1686, 1713, 1721-8, 1730-2, 1736-46, 1748-50, 1753, 1755-65, 1768-85, 1787, 1789-1877
  • TS (1) C 1579-1999, M 1598-2002, B 1599-2001 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1579-1860, MB 1598-1860 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, LDS
  • IGI M 1598-1840


  • St. Edward the Confessor
  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD02 C 1559-1995, M 1561-1995, B 1560-1995
  • PR (OHC) C 1559-1957, M 1561-1837, Banns 1824-1921, B 1560-1812 [gaps C 1685-93, M 1678-1704, 1706-19]; (Inc) M 1838+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1719-24, 1726-33, 1735-1803, 1806-34, 1836-72
  • TS (1) CMB 1559-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1559-1838, M 1561-1837, B 1560-1840 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • Mf BT 1719-1853 SoG, LDS
  • IGI BT C 1719-1853, M 1730-1836
  • MI 1989 OHC, OCL?, #


  • St. Laurence
  • Map square 8D
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • PR (OHC) C 1586-1812, M 1559-1970, Banns 1754-1810, 1828-1979, B 1558-1812; (Inc) CB 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684, 1721-37, 1758-64, 1766-9, 1782-3, 1785-91, 1801, 1805-6, 1808, 1810-66
  • TS (1) C 1586-1980, M 1559-1970, B 1558-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1586-1747, M 1559-1747, B 1558-1745 SoG, Bodleian Lib, (Mf of TS) LDS
  • IGI M 1559-1747
  • MI 1998 OCL?, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 6G
  • Ploughley Hundred
  • Bicester Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BIC01 C 1591-2003, M 1599-2002, B 1598-2003
  • PR (OHC) C 1591-1998, M 1599-1985, B 1598-1919, 1932-1999 [earliest reg. is defective]; (Inc) Banns 1893+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729, 1738, 1740-3, 1745-51, 1754-92, 1794-1806, 1808-12 (1830-66 damaged by damp)
  • TS (1) C 1591-2003, M 1599-2002, B 1598-2003 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1591-1840, M 1599-1840, B 1598-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc,;
    • (3) C 1841-1995, M 1841-1968, B 1841-1936 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc
  • IGI BT M 1721, 1740-1812


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 1F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT02 C 1602-1996, M 1578-1992, B 1577-1995
  • PR (OHC) C 1602-1996, M 1578-1992, Banns 1756-1811, B 1577-1995; (Inc) Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1697, 1721-2, 1724-40, 1743-8, 1750-84, 1789-1807, 1809-10, 1813-65
  • TS (1) C 1602-1996, M 1578-1992, B 1577-1995 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1602-1850, MB 1577-1850 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib;
    • (3) C 1602-1701, MB 1577-1701 SoG, LDS
  • IGI M 1578-1700


  • St. Andrew
  • Map square 8D
  • Pirton [or Pyrton] Hundred
  • Thame Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-TH02 C 1639-1980, M 1721-1973, B 1722-1977
  • PR (OHC) CB 1722-1819, M 1721-1973 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]; (Inc Tetsworth) CB 1813+, Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1722-33, 1735-40, 1742-4, 1746-7, 1752-3, 1759-60, 1762, 1773-4, 1776-8, 1780-1, 1783-5, 1787-9, 1791-3, 1796-7, 1800-4, 1806-11, 1813-9, 1821, 1823-9, 1831-43, 1845-66
  • TS C 1639, 1722-1980, M 1721-1973, B 1722-1977 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • MI 1996 OCL?, #


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 7E
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Cuddesdon until 1745.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1813-1963, M 1850-1961, B 1813-1983
  • PR (OHC) C 1813-1963, M 1850-1987, Banns 1851-1972, B 1813-1983
  • BT (OHC) 1797-8, 1802-4, 1807-12 (with Cuddesdon returns); 1813-40, 1842-3, 1845-6, 1849-81
  • TS C 1813-1963, M 1850-1961, B 1813-1983 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Wheatley Lib, Inc, #
  • MI (1) 2003 SoG, OCL?, Inc, CD/#;
    • (2) OCL? Heritage CD

Wheatley, Congregational

  • Reg (OHC) C 1845-1876, 1916-1921
  • See Cuddesdon regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 7A
  • part Langtree Hundred, Oxon, part Reading Hundred, Berkshire
  • Bradfield Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-SO01 C 1585-1954, M 1597-1974, B 1597-1964
  • PR (OHC) C 1585-1954, M 1597-2006, Banns 1754-1915, B 1597-1964
  • BT (OHC) 1639, 1684-5, 1721-30, 1732-3, 1735-66, 1768-1809, 1811, 1813-46, 1849-77
  • TS (1) C 1585-1851, M 1597-1839, B 1597-1851 (indexed, C only to 1828) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Henley Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1813-1954, M 1838-1974, B 1813-1964 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Henley Lib, #;
    • (3) C 1585-1812, M 1597-1813, B 1597-1812 (MS) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1597-1812


  • St. John the Baptist
  • Map square 7A
  • chapel of ease to Whitchurch St. Mary
  • PR (OHC) C 1915-1963, M 1912-1961, 1972-1994; (Inc) Banns 1912+, B 1964+
  • See Whitchurch (St. Mary) regs. for all earlier entries


  • St. Oswald
  • Map square 2F
  • Slaughter Hundred, Gloucestershire [later Bampton Hundred, Oxon]
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Situated in Gloucestershire until 1844, when transferred to Oxon; becomes Swinbrook with Widford , 1859, and transferred to Oxford archdeaconry.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1606-1974, M 1606-1864, B 1606-1966
  • PR (OHC) C 1751-1975, M 1753, 1770-1864, B 1751-1989 [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]; (Inc Swinbrook) M 1913+, Banns 1952+ (with Swinbrook)
  • BT (Gloucestershire RO) 1606, 1685-6, 1700, 1706, 1708, 1715-25, 1731-2, 1737-8, 1740-68, 1770-1, 1774-5, 1777-85, 1787-94, 1796-1803, 1805-8, 1810-36; (OHC) 1837-48, 1850-7 (1858 with Swinbrook), 1866-7, 1869, 1871
  • TS C 1606-1974, M 1606-1864, B 1606-1966 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf BT 1606-1812 LDS
  • IGI BT C 1606, 1700-1813 [in Gloucestershire index], M 1753-1812 [in Oxon Index]
  • MI 2000 OCL?, #


  • St. Giles
  • Map square 4I
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN04 C 1558-1881, M 1558-1979, B 1558-1968
  • PR (OHC) C 1558-1881, M 1558-1979, Banns 1754-1925, B 1558-1970; (Inc) C 1881+
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1721-8, 1731, 1733, 1735-6, 1738-1874
  • TS (1) C 1558-1881, M 1558-1979, B 1558- 1970 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1558-1881, M 1558-1837, B 1558-1970 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib, Banbury Lib
  • IGI M 1558-1837


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 3F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1764-1970, M 1755-1837, B 1764-1975
  • PR (OHC) C 1756-1812, M 1756-1837, 1844-1871, Banns 1756-1951, B 1756-1812; (Inc Ramsden) C [notes 1764, 1775, 1780, 1792, 1806] 1813+, B [notes 1795, 1807] 1813+ [N.B. There are no earlier regs.]
  • BT (OHC) 1777 (with Shipton under Wychwood returns); 1813, 1815, 1817-9, 1821-2, 1827, 1834, 1836-7, 1845, 1852-66
  • TS C [1764-1806] 1813-61, 1909-70, M 1756-98, 1817, 1834, Banns 1756-1951, B [1795-1807] 1813-1975 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1756-1834
  • See Cogges or Northleigh regs. for earlier entries


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 3F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • Woodstock Green . Chapel of ease to Witney St. Mary until 1980.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT01 C 1849-1971, M, B 1849-1973
  • PR (OHC) C 1849-1971, M 1980-1992, B 1849-1976
  • BT none
  • TS C 1849-1971, B 1849-1973 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, Witney Lib, #
  • See Witney St. Mary regs. for earlier entries


  • St. Luke
  • Tower Hill
  • PR (OHC) C 1980-83 [kept with Witney St. Mary regs.]


  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • Map square 3F
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • PR (OHC) C 1551-1975, M 1605-1981, Banns 1754-97, 1823-1983, B 1583-1872 [gaps C 1556-57, 1561-63, 1573-76, 1616-23, 1718, M 1616-24, 1652-75, B 1616-24, 1653-77]
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1721, 1723-4, 1726-31, 1734, 1736-81, 1783-92, 1794, 1796-1801, 1805, 1808-11, 1813-4, 1822, 1825-75, 1884, 1886, 1906-9 (1876-91 damaged); B (only) 1910-13
  • TS (1) C 1551-1940, M 1605-1931, B 1583-1872 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1551-1837, M 1605-1837, B 1583-1837 (includes Hailey B 1813-37 and Witney Society of Friends to 1837) (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc;
    • (3) C 1827-1940, M 1837-1931, B 1837-1872 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc
  • See also Curbridge, Hailey (with Crawley) and Witney Holy Trinity regs.

Witney Cemetery

  • Anglican burials
  • PR (OHC) B 1857-1907 [kept with Witney St. Mary regs.]
  • TS B 1857-1907 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #

Witney, Municipal

  • Reg (OHC) B 1893-1903

Witney, Congregational

  • Reg (OHC) CB 1806-1921
  • TS CB 1806-1921 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, Witney Lib, #

Witney, Independent and Baptist

  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1799-1819, 1823-36, DB 1828, 1831
  • TS ZC 1799-1836, DB 1828, 1831 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, #
  • Mf C 1799-1836 LDS
  • IGI C 1799-1836

Witney, Presbyterian

  • Reg(TNA) C 1761-1762 [included in Taunton, Mary Street Chapel, Somerset]

Witney, Primitive Methodist

  • Corn Street
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1833-1837; (OHC) C 1843-1873
  • TS (1) C 1843-1873 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Gloucestershire RO;
    • (2) ZC 1833-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, #
  • Mf ZC 1833-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1833-1837

Witney, Society of Friends, Monthly Meeting

  • including Vale after 1790
  • Reg(TNA) Z 1657-1837, M 1662-1833, B 1659-1837; (OHC) M 1837-1992
  • BT (OHC) B 1867, 1873, 1878, 1885, 1887-8
  • Mf Z 1657-1837, M 1662-1833, B1659-1837 LDS Index ZMB 1657-1837 (MS) FH
  • TS Z 1657-1836, M 1681-1832, B 1659-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc
  • MI 1978 OHC, SoG, OCL?, Wantage Lib, Witney Lib, LDS, #
  • See
  • TS entry under WITNEY ST.MARY; see also Berkshire and Oxfordshire Quarterly Meeting

Witney, Wesleyan

  • High Street
  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1803-1837; (OHC) C 1837-1951, M 1851-1868
  • TS (1) C 1837-1951, M 1851-1868 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Gloucestershire RO, Witney Lib, #;
    • (2) ZC 1803-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Witney Lib, #
  • Mf C 1803-1837 LDS
  • IGI C 1803-1837

Witney, White Dove Spiritualist Teaching Centre

  • Reg (OHC) M 1996-2005

Witney Registration District

  • Ptd M notices 1840-1856 Eureka


  • St. Peter
  • Map square 5F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Oxford St. Peter in the East until 1759.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1596-1980, M 1596-2000, B 1596-1975
  • PR (OHC) C 1596-1980, M 1596-1994, Banns 1754-1817, 1823-1986, B 1596-1977
  • BT (OHC) 1721-2, 1726, 1729, 1739, 1741, 1743-8, 1750-1, 1756-7, 1759, 1761-85, 1787-91, 1793-1816, 1818-53, 1855-69
  • TS (1) CMB 1596-1840 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Summertown Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CMB 1841-1918 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Summertown Lib, Inc, #;
    • (3) CMB 1919-50 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (4) CMB 1951-75 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #,
    • (5) C 1976-1980, M 1976-2000 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, #
  • MI (1) c.1880 SoG;
    • (2) OCL?, Summertown Lib, LDS, #
  • See also Oxford St. Peter in the East regs.


  • St. Leonard
  • Map square 7B
  • Dorchester Hundred
  • Wallingford Poor Law Union
  • Liberty and chapelry of South Stoke until 1846.
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WAL03 C 1846-2007, M 1846-1979, B 1846-2007
  • PR (OHC) C 1846-1970, M 1846-1979, Banns 1846-1926, B 1846-2007
  • BT (OHC) 1791 (with South Stoke returns); 1846-8, 1850-77
  • MI 1911 SoG
  • See South Stoke regs. for earlier entries


  • Holy Rood
  • Map square 6F
  • Bullingdon Hundred
  • Headington Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-HED02 C 1564-1978, M 1695-1961, B 1539-1978
  • PR (OHC) C 1564-1812, M 1695-1961, Banns 1760-1812, 1824-1955, B 1539-1811; (Inc Islip) C 1814+, B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-7, 1729-30, 1743, 1747-8, 1755-67, 1769-81, 1783-97, 1801-6, 1812-30, 1832-52, 1864-8
  • TS C 1564-1978, M 1695-1961, B 1539-1978 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, LDS, Inc, #
  • Mf C 1564-1812, M 1695-1961, B 1539-1812 OHC*, LDS
  • IGI C 1564-1812, M 1695-1886


  • St. Mary Magdalene
  • Map square 5G
  • Wootton Hundred/ Liberty of Oxford
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • Formerly a chapelry of Bladon. United with Bladon, 1877, to become Woodstock with Bladon .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1653-1908, M 1653-1910, B 1653-1909
  • PR (OHC) C 1653-1964, M 1653-1966, Banns 1754-1812, 1823-1942, B 1653-1972 [gaps C 1729-34, M 1666-71, 1710-12, B 1728-34]
  • BT (OHC) 1682, 1684, 1721, 1723-7, 1737-71, 1773-99, 1801-8, 1810-61
  • TS (1) C 1653-1735, M 1653-1837, B 1653- 1727 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Woodstock Town Hall, Witney Lib, Woodstock Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1735-1908, M 1837-1910, B 1735-1909 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Woodstock Town Hall, Witney Lib, Woodstock Lib, Inc, #
  • MI 1983 OHC, OCL?, Witney Lib, Woodstock Lib, LDS, #
  • See also Bladon and Wootton regs.

Woodstock Registration District

  • Ptd M notices 1840-1856 Eureka

Woodstock Union Workhouse chapel

  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1866-1948, M —, B —
  • Reg (OHC) C 1866-1948
  • TS C 1866-1948 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Woodstock Town Hall, #


  • St. Mary
  • Map square 4G
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1564-1966, M 1564-1986, B 1564-1889
  • PR (OHC) C 1564-1966, M 1564-1986, Banns 1754-1812, 1818-1881, B 1564-1987; (Inc) Banns 1881+
  • BT (OHC) 1669, 1678, 1684, 1721-4, 1726, 1728-9, 1731-3, 1736-54, 1756-1853, 1855-66, 1871, 1878-81
  • Ptd M 1564-1837 Phillimore Oxon 1
  • TS (1) CMB 1564-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1838-1966, M 1838-1986, B 1838-1889 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • IGI M 1564-1837
  • MI 2002 SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • See also Bladon and Woodstock regs.


  • St. James
  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • Chapelry of Great Tew until 1745. United with Over Norton, 1928, to become Over with Nether Worton .
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD03 C 1560-1929, M 1561-1831, B 1560-1862
  • PR (OHC) C 1561-1929, M 1599-1831, Banns 1763, 1774, 1784-1812, B 1560-1995 [N.B. There are many gaps in the earliest reg., notably M 1645-1724]; (Inc Over Worton) M 1839+, Banns 1910+ (in Over Norton reg.), [B 1813+, missing?]
  • BT (OHC) 1751, 1755-6, 1761-2 (all with Over Worton); 1759, 1777, 1813-52, 1855-66
  • TS C 1561-1881, M 1599-1831, B 1560-1812 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #
  • Mf CB 1560-1812, M 1599-1812 OHC
  • IGI BT M 1813-1830
  • See also Great Tew regs.


  • Holy Trinity
  • Map square 4H
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • United with Nether Worton, 1928, to become Over with Nether Worton .
  • PR (OHC) C 1628-1995, M 1629-2005, B1628-1994; (Inc) Banns 1824+
  • BT (OHC) 1721-4, 1726-7, 1729-30, 1735-40, 1741, 1744-6, 1748-51, 1753-7, 1759-64, 1769, 1773, 1777, 1780, 1782-3, 1786, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1794, 1799, 1801-3, 1812-54, 1856-66
  • TS (1) CMB 1628-1881 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) CB 1813-1994, M 1839-1992 (indexed) OHC, SoG, OCL?, Inc, #
  • Mf CMB 1628-1812 OHC
  • IGI BT M 1721-1835


  • All Saints
  • Map square 4J
  • Bloxham Hundred
  • Banbury Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-BAN02 C 1548-1956, M 1552-1938, B 1548-1889
  • PR (OHC) C 1548-1956, M 1552-1972[gap 1556-70, 1683-93], Banns 1824-1964, B 1548-1889; (Inc) B 1889+
  • BT (OHC) 1670, 1680, 1682, 1721-3, 1726-7, 1729, 1735, 1737, 1742-55, 1757-1811, 1813-26, 1828-65
  • TS (1) C 1548-1956, M 1552-1938, B 1548-1889 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1548-1956, M 1754-1938, B 1548-1889 (indexed) &
    • (3) M 1552-1753 (indexed) SoG, Bodleian Lib
  • IGI BT M 1680-1836
  • See also Balscote regs.

Wroxton and Balscote Civil Cemetery

  • Reg (OHC) B 1944-2000, Reg of exclusive rights of burial 1971-1988, Reg of purchased graves 1948-2000

Wroxton and Great Bourton, Independent

  • Reg(TNA) ZC 1796-1837
  • TS ZC 1796-1837 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Banbury Lib, #
  • IGI C 1823-1837


  • St. Bartholomew
  • Map square 5F
  • Wootton Hundred
  • Woodstock Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WOD01 C 1569-1900, M 1569-1900, B 1569-1900
  • PR (OHC) C 1569-1972, M 1569-1995, Banns 1755-1812, 1818-1999, B 1569-1812; (Inc) B 1813+
  • BT (OHC) 1723-8, 1738-48, 1750-3, 1755-66, 1768, 1770-3, 1775-6, 1779-81, 1783, 1789-90, 1796-9, 1800-1, 1804-5, 1807-9, 1813-65, 1867-74
  • Ptd M 1569-1836 Phillimore Oxon 2
  • TS (1) C 1569-1837, M 1569-1839, B 1569-1848 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Kidlington Lib, Inc, #;
    • (2) C 1838-1900, M 1840-1900, B 1848- 1900 OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Inc, #;
    • (3) CMB 1569-1764 (indexed MS) Bodleian Lib
  • IGI M 1569-1836
  • MI OCL?, Kidlington Lib, LDS, #
  • See also Magdalen Coll., Oxford M 1728-1754


  • St. Nicholas and St. Swithun
  • Map square 3E
  • Bampton Hundred
  • Witney Poor Law Union
  • OFHS Register Transcripts on CD OXF-WIT03 C 1751-1969, M 1788-1944, B —
  • PR [C 1745+, M 1770+, missing] (Inc) C 1813+, M 1840+, Banns 1847+ [N.B. No B regs. -burials at Ducklington]
  • BT (OHC) 1751, 1788, 1791, 1795-9, 1801-2, 1812-51, 1856-75, 1883-5, 1887-1906
  • TS C 1788-1969, M 1788-1944 (indexed) OHC, SoG, Bodleian Lib, OCL?, Witney Lib, Inc, #
  • See also Ducklington and Standlake regs.
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